28 COVID-19 Tests Performed on One Body Revealed Positive

A Ukrainian man who went on vacation to Italy with his friends drowned in the sea, and the COVID-19 test performed during the autopsy was positive. Doctors ran 28 more tests on the body and they all came back positive.

In the past weeks, we have conveyed an interesting case of COVID-19 in our country to you. A man with leukemia had also tested positive for 78 COVID-19 tests over the course of 14 months. Same interesting situation took place in Italy.

A Ukrainian man on vacation in Italy disappeared while he was swimming in the sea with his friends in Chieti, Italy. After 16 hours of search, the man’s corpse stuck between rocks seen. After the man’s death, a very interesting event occurred.

28 COVID-19 tests performed on the body over 6 weeks were positive

It was stated that before his death, the Ukrainian man did not show any symptoms that he had COVID-19. However, the Ukrainian man tested positive for COVID-19, which was routinely done during the autopsy. The autopsy doctors were not satisfied with a single test and for 41 days (6 weeks) on dead body They did 28 more COVID-19 tests.


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made All 28 tests were positive again. The body of the Ukrainian man is still preserved by the doctors in the morgue at 4 degrees and in a waterproof body bag. Although there is currently limited data on the risk of infection from a dead body, this rare event To find out how long COVID-19 will remain in the body after a person dies will provide important data.

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