25 percent hike shock to the automotive industry

Automotive in Turkey in 2022 Distributors AssociationAccording to the data announced by , the average percentage compared to the previous year 23.5There was a decrease of . According to the data by ODD, in the first three months of 2022 in Turkey 152 thousand 50 cars sold.

According to the data announced by ODD, a 25 percent increase is expected in the automotive industry all over the world. So, when will this expected increase come? All the details are in the rest of our news…

The best selling cars of 2022 have been announced!

The best-selling cars of 2022 in Turkey have been announced. How are the situations in the market where sales have decreased as of this year?

“As of the end of 2022, there will be a 25 percent increase in the automotive industry all over the world”

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the chip crisis, the raw material problem and logistics problems have deeply affected the automotive industry. With a decrease of 23.5% in the first three months of 2022 in our country, it is very possible that we will have lower sales figures than the sales of 152 thousand 50 cars.

Ali Haydar Bozkurt, President of the Automotive Distributors Association, stated in his statement that “With the price increase, the automotive market will not be able to catch up with last year”. Stating that he expected the chip crisis to ease in the middle of this year, but this expectation did not materialize, Bozkurt said, “The crisis that should have ended has become more complex.”

Drawing attention to the increasing problems in supply and logistics resources, Bozkurt said, “I estimate that 3-5 million vehicles will be produced worldwide.” While the problem of finding a vehicle is expected to continue in 2022, he emphasized that the problem of finding a vehicle will increase in the automotive sector in Turkey.

It is stated that it is difficult to make an automotive market forecast for 2022, and that it will be a miracle if it achieves the automotive success of last year. It was also emphasized that not only Turkey but the whole world would be faced with a price increase of approximately 25 percent.

ODD President Bozkurt said, “There are serious jumps in energy prices on top of that. This will lead to the continuation of the upward trend of inflation. Although the FED tries to restrain this inflationary environment with a rapid rate hike cycle, the inflationary environment will continue in 2022, both in our country and in the world. This will inevitably increase the costs of all companies and brands. The increase in costs has also increased the possibility of an increase in prices for both new and second-hand vehicles. This will put vehicle availability in trouble.”

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