$25 Million Verifier Abuse on Ethereum MEV Bots!

A malicious validator on the Ethereum (ETH) network exploited the vulnerability of the MEV (Maximal extractable value) bot, which offers arbitrage opportunity, to attack 25 million dollars.

A MEV bot on the Ethereum network Victim of $25 million attack it happened. Approximately 2 weeks ago attack by a malicious network validator that started mining, in a single Ethereum block took place. MEV boots arbitrage The validator, which attacked the liquidity used by the business, was successful thanks to its malicious edits to the block in question.

Waiting to take priority in its transaction on the block and taking action at the right time, the validator first withdrew assets to its own account by maliciously altering some of the normal transactions of the MEV bot and disabling the bot. On-chain security firm PeckShieldtracked down their stolen assets and first of all, $25 million in cryptocurrencies 8 different addresses funded by Kucoin revealed that it was sent. The asset was finally collected at 3 addresses.

Experts detailing the subject said that more than two weeks ago, a layer of privacy was added to the wallet of the authenticator that caused the attack. Aztec NetworkHe described it as a planned attack. Worth nearly $13 million among stolen assets 7,461 WETH, 5.3 million USDCworth $1.8 million 65WBTC And 1.7 million DAI took place.

used in Ethereum and MEV-Boost developer of the primary MEV software known as flashbotsresponded with a fix to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

MEV is what miners can obtain by verifying transactions on the blockchain. total prize amount Represent. Various transactions such as stock market transactions, liquidity pool transactions, stop-loss orders are included in the scope of MEV.

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