2 Famous Gold Estimators: Expect These Record Levels!

The gold price has not been experiencing a serious change in recent days. Meanwhile, two market experts announced the movements to be expected for gold. Here are the details…

Islam Memiş warns about gold and dollars

Market Specialist İslam Memiş gave his latest comments for the dollar and gold. According to Islam Memiş, while inflation figures continue to rise, we can see the level of 72 at the end of the year. Apart from this, the expert pointed out that the high inflation rate will seriously affect the developing countries, and drew attention to the losses in TL. He mentioned that due to this loss, concerns about the dollar/TL exchange rate arose. According to Islam Memiş, the critical level in dollar/TL is 16.80.

On the other hand, Islam Memiş drew attention to the range of scissors for those who buy and sell gold. Stating that the purchase level for gold is in the range of 950-1,000 lira, the expert said that it can be purchased gradually. Thus, he states that investors can turn current levels into opportunities.

Apart from that, Islam Memiş talked about the appreciation of gram gold despite the decrease in ounce gold. cryptocoin.com As we have also reported, the US Dollar Index (DXY) continues to gain value. This, in turn, causes the price of the precious metal to fall. At least that’s how it was on the gold side of the ounce. Gram gold has not changed as much as ounce gold. Drawing attention to $1,720 as the support level and $1,770 as the resistance under an ounce, İslam Memiş thinks that an ounce of gold is priced manipulatively.

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“The prices of gold and silver are not real right now”

According to İslam Memiş, who reiterates that the change in value in an ounce is manipulative, this situation is known to everyone who is financially literate. He thinks that gold and silver prices are not at their true value at the moment. Claiming that the real value of an ounce of gold is currently $2,200, İslam Memiş thinks that the current levels of $1,730 are seen due to the appreciation of the dollar and the FED rate hikes.

On the other hand, Islam Memiş warns of recession and states that the declines in gold and silver actually point to the recession process. He talks about governments that cannot fight inflation and states that the central banks of these governments continue the process by manipulating the markets. Finally, Memiş says, “Be the first to get up and sell your assets.” He advises investors to take advantage of the steep declines. He says real prices will emerge in September.

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Selçuk Geçer: The price of ounce gold will rise above $ 1,900

Finally, we will quote economist Selçuk Geçer’s comments. Selçuk Geçer conveyed his thoughts about the low level of ounce gold in the last 9 months. According to Geçer, although ounces will decrease, the value of gram gold will not decrease. He even says that when an ounce of gold goes above $1,900, grams of gold will hit 1,100 liras. According to the expert, gram gold will rise to the level of 2,200 liras with the expected attacks.

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