2. Best Selling Car Brands and Models

Used car market data for November has been announced. The announced data revealed that the number of vehicle advertisements with prices in the range of 50 thousand to 150 thousand TL has decreased. This is happening for the first time in 2021.

Helping us keep the pulse of the second-hand automotive market with its analyzes mycar.comannounced its market data for November. The data disclosed reveals that there is uncertainty among consumers who want to sell their vehicle. Due to the exchange rate fluctuation in November, environment of uncertaintyhas led to a decrease in the number of vehicle advertisements with prices in the range of 50 thousand TL to 150 thousand TL. This situation, It’s happening for the first time in 2021.

The data of Arabam.com for the month of November shows that the car advertisements with a price between 50 thousand and 150 thousand TL. decreased by 5 percent. revealed. In the same period, the number of advertisements with a price above 350 thousand TL increased by 6.3 percent.. These statistics mean that prices in the used market have increased even more due to currency fluctuations. Alright by brand and model how are things?

The most advertised brands in November:

According to the reviews, announced in November 2021 the most popular Here are the 10 car brands:

  • Renault
  • fiat
  • Volkswagen
  • Ford
  • Opel
  • Hyundai
  • Peugeot
  • Toyota
  • Citroen
  • Honda

The most advertised model in November was the Clio.

Used car models

  • Renault Clio
  • Opel Astra
  • Renault Megane
  • Ford Focus
  • Volkswagen Passat
  • Toyota Corolla
  • Fiat Egea
  • Honda Civic
  • Volkswagen Polo
  • Renault Fluence

What are the second hand price ranges like?

My car

When we look at the price ranges of the vehicles announced in November 2021, we see that the rate of vehicles up to 50 thousand TL has been recorded as 8.5 percent. well no cheap cars case. The ratio of vehicles in the range of 50 thousand 1 TL to 100 thousand TL at 20.7 percent The rate of vehicles in the range of 100 thousand 1 TL to 150 thousand TL is 20.1%. Vehicles between 150 thousand 1 TL and 200 thousand TL cover 15.6 percent of all advertisements, while the rate of vehicles between 200 thousand 1 TL and 250 thousand TL is 10.4 percent. The remarkable thing here is the vehicles that are on sale for more than 300 thousand TL. So much so that the price of 17.5 percent of the ads on my car.com in November 2021, It was over 300 thousand TL.


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Continuing to examine the disclosed data, second hand diesel of vehicles dominance We see. In this context; 55 percent of the vehicles advertised are diesel, 25 percent LPG and 20 percent gasoline. On the other hand, 66 percent of the vehicles in the advertisement manual transmission also does not go unnoticed. Finally; Vehicles announced in November 2021 69 percent of carsLet’s point out that 14 percent are minivans and 9 percent are SUVs and pick-ups.

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