14 Nostalgic Items to Take You Back to Your Childhood Years

We have compiled 14 nostalgic items for you that will put a big smile on your face when you remember your childhood.

There are some items that, when we come across them years later, suddenly take us on a journey in time and take us back to our childhood years. Marbles, abacuses, apron collars and dial telephones, many items still retain their place in our memories as nostalgic memories, even though they are no longer used.

As we were filled with joy with April 23, we thought it would be nice to go on a nostalgic adventure and we listed some items for you. We may not be children anymore, but there is nothing to prevent us from remembering our childhood and smiling. Here are 14 nostalgic products that will take you back to your childhood.

14 nostalgic products that will go back to your childhood

  • flip phone
  • tube television
  • Taso
  • electric geyser
  • apron collar
  • notebook book covers and labels
  • grass man
  • Abacus
  • catalytic stove
  • Cin Ali books
  • Ayşegül series
  • Beyblade
  • Marble
  • beans in cotton

flip phone

As an editor, the first thing that comes to my mind is the imitation of a rotary phone that Cem Yılmaz made in his show. Indeed, as it was done there It seemed like it took days for the wheel to turn 0 when you turned it to 8. In order to call someone, we would first open the book, which is a thick book, find the number from there, then try to enter that number by dialing it.

tube television

If you were born in or before the early 2000s, tube television has definitely had a place in your life. Personally, my clearest memory is on my PlayStation 1 with my brother on our tube TV. We play Crash Bandicoot is the moment. Sometimes we would watch that TV tingle and try to find shapes, sometimes on the screen. we would zoom in magnet and ruin the tv. We used to bend and insert a fork into the antenna section behind the television. Our mothers would definitely knit lace and put them on that TV.



Taso what a yav’ For our young readers who might ask, let’s briefly explain how to play with boards. First of all, you couldn’t get the chips in bulk, you had to either buy the package from your local grocery store or pull them out of the chips. Players they stack the tiles and throw them from top to bottom. A player can score the following board with the top board. if he manages to reverse he would have won that bill. The person with the most cards would also win the game. There were different versions of this game… Those who remember can write their own versions in the comments!

electric geyser

electric geyser

The geyser was a very interesting instrument. To you top of the Himalayas or the bottom of hell was living. When you take a bath with this tool that has no middle, it was either really hot as a fire or cold as ice. But how come mothers washing their children somehow he managed to keep the heat that would not burn them. Although it continues to be used in some homes today, we can say that it is a technology that has left its place to combi boilers in general.

apron collar


Blue apron and apron collar have become extinct in Turkey in recent years. For this reason, it is not possible for our readers who were born after the early 2000s to remember. aprons or blue either Grey would be, and their collars would certainly be would hurt your neck. The ends of the apron collars sometimes had the Turkish Flag, sometimes Atatürk, sometimes a cartoon character, sometimes nothing.

Notebook/book covers and labels

notebook book shell label

Covering notebooks and books was a very boring process for some of us in elementary school and a very fun process for others. Some teachers got angry at those who didn’t cover their notebooks (for some reason…). book cover and containers those that can hold properly without tearing, What did you do? Did you come to high places?

grass man

grass man

Grassman may be one of the funniest pastimes of our childhood. Usually when our fathers come home from work, we look at the bags and get very excited if we find this. We used to pour water on the head of this potato-like object with eyes and mouth for a week, and grass came out from there. the one with the hair we used to cut and shape the grass with scissors.



It would not be wrong to say that there is no one who did not have an abacus in their childhood. The instrument that should normally be given to babies from the age of 1-2 so that they can learn to count was given to us in the 1st grade for some reason. Did we learn to count with this? probably not but it was a really fun tool to play with.

catalytic stove

catalytic stove

The catalytic stove, like the water heater, is something that children of the 90s will remember more. In the period when the transition from full coal stoves to these was made, everyone said ‘oh, we got rid of coal’ she was delighted. Maybe easy on it like a coal stove chestnuts or tea could not be cooked or the laundry could not be dried, but many Turkish people have a story of burning with this appliance.

Cin Ali books

gin ali books

Cin Ali was one of the backbones of the Turkish education system. If it weren’t for many Turkish people would learn to read later. Jokes aside, the stories of this stickman written in simple Turkish really have a place in our childhood.

Ayşegül series

aysegul books

Ayşegül, like Cin Ali, was one of the basic books that taught reading in the Turkish education system. Even Ayşegül’s books it was coming out of the newspapers. It is possible that you can still find these Ayşegül books in the homes of some.



When Beyblade is mentioned, the flowing water stops. Even though we never had an arena where we could fight these fighter spinning tops like in the cartoon, we would do it in trays, trays or basins. some of us would be the original Beybladesome of us and fake Beyblades from Tahtakale… Of course, the fake ones would shatter in 5 seconds, but we would have fun…



Although marble is one of the longest lasting children’s games, it is now disappearing from the streets. For those who do not know how to play marbles, let’s briefly summarize: Players line up a circle and randomly pour their marbles into that circle. From the distance determined from the outside of the circle, the players, with the marbles in their hands, tries to knock it out. The most self in the circle The player with the remaining marbles wins..

beans in cotton

cotton beans

You remember growing chickpeas, beans, or peas in cotton, one of our 3rd or 4th grade science assignments? We would water them every day and keep them in a cool place so they could sprout properly and it smelled really bad. But it was also a very enjoyable thing to deal with.

We have come to the end of our list of 14 nostalgic products that will bring you back to your childhood. On this occasion, we celebrate the 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day of everyone who keeps the child inside them alive. Do not forget to share with us in the comments the things that come to your mind and wish they were on the list!

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