13 Apps Students Should Use

Many applications are waiting for you on your phone to solve the difficulties you experience in your education life. You should definitely check out these 13 apps to tackle many problems, from focusing on lessons to exam stress.

All of us have struggled from time to time in our education life. This strain for some of us study for exams while for some of us focus on lessons may have problems.

In many areas at school your right arm We’ve put together 13 apps that will help you. From getting homework support to solving equations, many applications are waiting for you!

13. For those who want professional support for homework, let’s get them to Chegg.

given If you have trouble doing the homework The knowledgeable folks at Chegg can do your homework for you.

In homework given in English Chegg You can easily do your homework with foreign people on This application, which has a monthly fee, is especially preferred by university students.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

12. If you can’t stay away from the phone, you can focus on the lesson with Forest.

Forest App

If you have problems staying away from the phone while studying, forest You can overcome this problem with the application.

During your study, a making the tree grow Thanks to the application, it is possible to focus on the lesson.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

11. Academic English is learned with the Oxford Dictionary of English, not Google Translate.

Oxford Dictionary of English

In your university life, you need to speak English in your daily life or in classes. Lessons are given in English Thinking about it, you need to improve your academic English knowledge now.

You can use it while studying Oxford Dictionary of English You can increase your competence in this field.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

10. The most difficult math equations can be easily solved with Photomath.

photomath logo

if if you have problems with math This app may be for you. photomath You can quickly find the answer to a math question you can’t solve.

You can only use this application that will benefit you greatly in your education life. with equation Let us remind you that you can use it in questions.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

9. To scan your documents You can use CamScanner.


Scanning a document and to convert your photos to PDF CamScannerYou can use . After taking the lecture notes in the class, you can convert them to PDF and study about the lesson comfortably after the lesson.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

8. It’s easy to learn about new topics with Udemy.

Udemy Logo

This application actually does not affect your life directly, but you can feel the effect after regular use. Udemy with almost You can watch videos on any subject. and you can update your information about the courses.

of your friends 1 step ahead If you want, you should take a look at Udemy.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

7. Time to create beautiful designs and presentations with Canva.

Canva blue

What you will do in the lessons quality of presentations It both affects your teacher and attracts the attention of your friends. You can use it for free Canva You can be the most hardworking student of the class with the beautiful presentations you will prepare together with you.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

6. With Microsoft Office, all office programs are waiting for you in one place.

Microsoft Office

Word, Excel, etc. on your phone. from time to time, applications such as can save your life. free to students Microsoft Office With the application, you can use Office applications in your education life.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

5. Google Meet for a quick homework meeting with your groupmates.

Google Meet

with your friends group assignments you may need to do. You can quickly make the interviews you will do for these assignments. Google MeetYou can do it in , you can get ahead of your other friends in terms of time and speed.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

4. You can choose Google Keep to keep your notes easily.

google keep

taking notes in lectures Google Keep can be your assistant with its fast transfer between platforms. To use a note you took on the phone on your computer when you get home in the evening. Google KeepYou can choose .

You can find detailed information about the application here.

3. Budget Bytes for both cheap and delicious meals.

Budget Bytes

As much as the work you will do in your student life the food you will eat quality affects your success in classes. Budget Bytes You can discover cheap and good recipes together, and make your meal times more enjoyable.

There are different versions of this application in Turkey, but since it is one of the most successful sites. Budget Bytes’You can choose .

You can find detailed information about the application here.

2. Quizlet can be your savior for the last repetitions before the exam.


Everyone gets stressed before a tough exam. Quizlet by making small quizzes before the exam together with can better prepare for your exams and you can identify the areas where you are missing before taking the exam.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

1. You can browse Pinterest for new ideas.


In order to present a creative work, first of all, discovering new worlds required. Pinterest You can get new ideas from people all over the world and use these ideas in your new work.

You can find detailed information about the application here.

You can also use it in your education life. applications you benefit from You can share it in the comments section.

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