$100M Rug-Pull Probability Talks: This Altcoin Has Dropped More Than 80%

Decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Freeway announced that it has stopped operations. Freeway’s native cryptocurrency Freeway Token (FWT) tumbled over 80%. Experts are focusing on the possibility of fraud.

supercharger annual with an investment product called to 43% company promising high returns October 23 supercharger buybacks as of announced that he had stopped. The results of this decision against the volatility in the financial markets. sustainability of providing in the name of presence re-diversification of the base The company, which announced that it was purchased for rug-pull was accused of doing. Native token of the platform FWT within hours 80% of on lost value.

On social media, the company’s statements that it is not true allegations began to circulate. Especially FatMan nicknamed and Terra (Luna) your downfall previously a user famous for guessing, from the explanations one day before the claim made reinforced users’ doubts. FatMan, October 22 platform on a ponzi possible and soon low amount Approval of withdrawal requests large amount Postponement of shooting the end of the ponz He warned people that he could be a harbinger.

A few hours after the company’s statements, FatMan was released on social media. in a post he made the company, removes all team members’ names from the website and that the project is a ponzi has been proven He claimed.

Many users on social media are following FatMan. giving the right some of this for security purposes suggested that it might have been done. Experts on the platform about 100 million estimates that the dollar remains locked.

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