10 Suggestions to Help You Save Fuel in Your Vehicle

We have listed 10 suggestions for you where you can save fuel, which is more important after increasing fuel prices. If you pay attention to these recommendations, you can go longer distances with less fuel.

In the last few years in our country There is a noticeable increase in fuel prices. Especially, the hikes that we encounter in the continuation of 2021 and 2022 are the kind that will bend the back of people who drive. Fuel prices have almost doubled in just one year. Fuel prices, which are the most concrete reflections of the dollar rate and inflation to the public, will apparently tend to increase for a while. So is there a way to make your car use less fuel?

Considering the increasing fuel prices, it has become much more important that your vehicle consumes less fuel. Today, we will tell you what you need to do to save money, no matter what type of fuel your car uses. By following the suggestions we will offer below can significantly reduce your car’s fuel consumption and you can keep your money in your pocket.

10 tips to save fuel

  • Stop driving fast.
  • Do not brake suddenly unless you have to.
  • Remember that by opening the windows you destroy the aerodynamics of your car.
  • Pay attention to the use of air conditioning.
  • Take care to use your vehicle on time.
  • Do not idle your vehicle for long periods of time.
  • Have your vehicle serviced regularly.
  • Drive your car in the correct gear.
  • Make sure your vehicle’s tire pressure is correct.
  • Get rid of unnecessary weight in your vehicle.

Stop driving fast.

Perhaps the simplest way to save fuel is to watch your speed. Of course this is; It does not mean that you will drive your car too slowly. For example, going at 90 kilometers per hour will consume almost half as much fuel as going at 120 kilometers per hour. Of course, correct gear usage and revs are important here. We will come to them shortly.

To explain more clearly, all actions that will force your car will increase fuel consumption. For example, in cars with small engines such as 1.3, 1.4, high speed will force the engine and will increase fuel consumption. However, driving too slowly will also increase fuel consumption, as it will extend your distance to travel and increase the working hours of the vehicle. For this reason, the road you will travel with the right gear and speed without going too slow or too fast will minimize the fuel consumption of your car.

Do not brake suddenly unless you have to.

sudden brake

You may have to brake frequently, especially in cities with heavy traffic such as Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Sudden braking in heavy traffic is mostly caused by the driver. Sudden braking and maneuvers are important factors that increase fuel consumption. In order to consume fuel, you should gradually increase your speed on roads where you cannot go very fast due to traffic, and you should brake less and lighter in direct proportion.

Remember that by opening the windows you destroy the aerodynamics of your car.

car with open window

Your car has been carefully drawn by hundreds of engineers and has undergone countless tests, and is designed to quickly throw the oncoming air behind you. In particular, when you speed When you open the windows of the vehicle on long roads, this aerodynamic effect will disappear significantly. and your vehicle will consume more fuel as it goes against the wind.

For example, we can say that an athlete who normally runs in sports shoes is like trying to put on boots and run. The athlete is too busy to reach the speed he runs in sneakers while wearing boots. will have to expend more energy.

Pay attention to the use of air conditioning.

car air conditioner

Air conditioners in cars save lives both in winter and summer. Although the effect of air conditioners on fuel consumption has been minimized in vehicles released in recent years, this rate is much higher, especially in vehicles over 10 years old. Especially on vehicles with small engines and relatively old ones such as 1.3, 1.4. There is a noticeable loss of performance when air conditioning is added.. Drivers who want to eliminate this loss also press the accelerator pedal with higher forces. This, of course, increases fuel consumption.

Take care to use your vehicle on time.


your carOne of the most important things that affect fuel consumption is the cycle. Fuel consumption will increase if you use it at high revs regardless of the speed of your car. For this reason, make sure that your car stays between 2000 – 3000 rpm. High revs will of course allow you to reach higher speeds, but as a result, fuel consumption will increase. On the contrary, low speed will choke the engine in high gear.

Do not idle your vehicle for long periods of time.

idling car

When you have to wait Be careful not to idle your car. Especially in vehicles with Start – Stop feature, you can stop your vehicle even at red lights that can last longer than 2 minutes. Engine; It consumes an average of 1.5 liters of fuel per hour when idling, depending on its volume and other features. In order to avoid this fuel consumption, stopping your vehicle and starting it again when you leave can save you fuel.

Have your vehicle serviced regularly.

oil care

Caring for your car is an important element for both your safety and the health of your car. Especially the maintenance that you need to do at certain periods, such as the 10 thousand maintenance, is among the important issues for fuel consumption. As an aging engine oil will increase friction, it will also increase fuel consumption. For this reason, take care to have regular maintenance such as oil and air filter.

Drive your car in the correct gear.

Car correct gear use

In fact, this substance is related to high speed and using the vehicle at its speed. You should be in the right gear according to the speed and number of revolutions you will make while driving your car. When your car is at the right speed, it should always be in high gear. In other words, going in low gear while driving at high speed will both damage your car and increase fuel consumption. Likewise, going with a high gear at low speed will choke the engine and increase fuel consumption.

After your car picks up speed to minimize fuel consumption shifting to the highest gear and going there at a constant speed will reduce fuel consumption to a minimum. Finally, situations such as lifting your car in 2nd gear will also affect fuel consumption as it will force the engine.

Make sure your vehicle’s tire pressure is correct.

car tire pressure

Every car and tire has a specified pressure recommendation. If your car tire is under pressure; that is, if it is not inflated enough, it will cause friction and increase your fuel consumption significantly. That’s why you should check the air in your tires regularly. Let us remind you that there are tire inflation points that you can use free of charge at almost all fuel stations.

However, the type of tire is also a factor that directly affects fuel consumption. Summer tires consume less fuel. Winter tires, on the other hand, will consume more fuel as they stick to the road more. Of course, there are periods when these tires are used. When a summer tire is used in a cold winter, it will lose its properties and increase your risk of accident. That’s why winter tires are mandatory but necessary in most cities.

Get rid of unnecessary weight in your vehicle.

car trunk

Your car already has its own weight. And on top of this weight, passengers come. All these are factors that increase fuel consumption. If in addition to this Your fuel consumption will increase if you have extra heavy items in the trunk or backseat of your car. You can save fuel by getting rid of unnecessary items that you do not use.

We have listed some tricks that will help you save fuel in your vehicle. So, did you find this content useful? Do not forget to share your suggestions and thoughts with us in the comments section.

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