10 Meme Coins Invaded by Investors Announced!

SHIB, DOGE, and CATE are among the top 10 meme coins by social activity. CryptoDep has released the top 10 meme tokens for social activity. SHIB, DOGE and CATE seem to be competing for the top 3. Detail cryptocoin.com‘in.

Meme coin projects and social activity ranking

CryptoDep has released the top 10 meme tokens for social activity using Lunacrush metrics. The metrics measure the amount of posts created, interactions received, and overall sentiment towards each meme token. As of February 8, 2022, the top 10 meme tokens by social activity are as follows:

The Shiba Inu (SHIB) is featured in most social media posts created for 105,000 people. Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) was crowned as the meme token with the most social media engagement with 146 million. By a wide margin, Shiba Inu stands out as the meme coin with the most social activity. SHIB has a collective social volume of 150,000, an engagement volume of 93.6 million people, and an overall sentiment of 63.5%. These feelings are clearly reflected in the fact that the value of the Shiba Inu has increased by 18.7% in the last 24 hours. The Shiba Inu currently has a valuation of $0.000032.

In second place, Dogecoin has a collective social volume of 49,400. DOGE has an engagement volume of 146 million. Frankly, Dogecoin has always been the talk of the crypto market. Dogecoin’s current value is $0.1553 and its value has increased by 1% in the last 24 hours. In third place is CateCoin (CATE). The collective social volume is 16,100, the participation volume is 13.5 million people. There are many positive opinions against CateCoin. Remarkably, the fact that it competes with both SHIB and DOGE for the top 3 places excites its fans. The current value of CateCoin is $0.0000024 and its value has increased by 8.3% in the last 24 hours.

Analyst Made Striking Predictions for Dogecoin and SHIB!

Meanwhile, the rest of the tokens: FLOKI, MARVIN, BABYDOGE, MONSTA, ELON, PIT and 100X have social volumes ranging from 14,200 to 1,590. These tokens have an interaction volume of between 16.2 million and 422,000 and mostly have positive emotions. However, despite being in 10th place, 100X was crowned as having the most positive sentiment from users of all 10 meme tokens.

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