10 Clips That Would Be In The Language Of Social Media If Published Today

There are extremely strange songs and clips in our country. Today, we will list the songs and clips that will not fall out of the language of social media for a while if they debut. We will consider these clips and songs in two different areas.

Our country is very rich in music, as it is in many other aspects. When we say the 90s and 2000s, the music market in our country has always been very active. When we say colorful clips and meaningful words, we see many successful songs. What we focus on today is if it comes out today other than these songs. on social media There will be clips and songs that will stay on the agenda for a while.

When we look back a little bit, we saw interesting songs and clips. Some of the songs themselves were absurd, while some of the clips were absurd. Even though some of the songs are very beautiful”What does this song have to do with this clip?“No matter what, the songs on our list will take us to other places. I will divide this content into two parts. The first piece will consist of songs made by famous artists, and the other will consist of singers who want to try something, even if it is not very popular. If you are ready, if it is shot today, it will be the language of social media. Let’s take a closer look at the clips that will drop.

Absurd clips and songs from famous artists

Nese Blackbird – Yam Yam

Neşe Karaböcek is one of the most beloved artists of our country. Neşe Karaböcek, who has countless songs that are on everyone’s lips, has a song released in 1992 that stands out from the others. yam yam The song named is an extremely absurd song with both the clip and the lyrics. However, let’s say that many people at that time had fun listening to this song.

İbrahim Tatlıses – Dom Dom Bullet

Lyrics and music by Aşık Mahzuni Şerif Dom Dom Kurşunu is a memorable song with İbrahim Tatlıses. There is no absurdity in the song itself. The absurdity here is revealed when you watch the clip. The clip, in which we watch Ibrahim Tatlises fighting billiards with the woman he is looking at, contains a bit of absurdity in that it has little to do with the song.

Cankan – I Can’t Create

One of the popular singers of a period was Cankan. This two-man song group from Germany; They were producing unique songs by blending genres such as rap and pop. One of these songs isI failed“. The clip of this song, which we loved to listen to in our childhood, has some differences in terms of both the costumes and the environment.

Mustafa Topaloğlu – Abu Çi Çi

Mustafa Topaloğlu is a very colorful artist. Topaloğlu, who is especially interested in space, has very different clips. Perhaps the most interesting of these clips Abu Chi Chi clip. In addition to the absurdity of the song itself, the clip, which offers the atmosphere of the Matrix, will also make you feel very interesting.

Mahsun Kirmizigul – Listen

Mahsun Kırmızıgül, who won acclaim for his directorial performance, was one of the most influential singers of a period. Listen to the song of Kırmızıgül however, it has a very different place among them. There is not much harmony between the lyrics and the video of the song. In the clip of the song Listen, female dancers from different countries dance like crazy. Although it is a visually beautiful clip, it still sometimes causes us to question.

Ismail YK – Facebook

Marking an era Ismail YKEveryone loved it at one time or another. The song “Facebook”, which was released during the popular times of YK, was giving us some signals when social media was not that strong yet. “I went to the internet cafe. I went to the Facebook page. I gave my name as Crazy.” Apart from the lyrics of the Facebook song, the clip is also extremely strange. İsmail YK, who was connected to Facebook on television in a white environment, once said, “Are we using it wrong?” It caused us to ask questions.

Absurd clips and songs from people who are not very famous

Aydın Aydın – Sound of Water

Actually, the purpose of this song is very special. Some of his words also contain very important purposes. But when we look at the whole song, we can say that the clip and the song can force you from time to time. No matter what the song wants to tell us that we can understand philosophy let me point out.

Our Murat – XXL (Elephant Diet)

I think this song was made for a joke, but as someone who is not so weak, I can say that if a song like this came out today, they would probably be lynched. Some people take The song that makes fun of the weight problem All I can say is that my subjective comment is that it was not published during this period.

Kasım Şeren – Love is with me

Actually, we’ll give it a shot if we understand his words, but The problem begins with not understanding the words. The clip, on the other hand, can take the cringe structure of the song to the next level.


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Celal Öz – My Beautiful Half Angel

Celal Oz our brother There are many song clips posted on netd music YouTube channel. She loves to sing and we respect that. You may be a little cringe while listening to the song.


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Premium XXL Bonus (Whatever it takes to explain) clip: İsmail Ahıskalı – Kindness Will Always Win

In my reviews The one that brings the cringe level to the highest levelI discovered a clip that leaves a huge gap between it and the others. İsmail Ahıskalı’s song and clip “Goodness Will Always Win” takes the event to a whole new level.

Today, we have compiled songs and clips that would fall into the language of social media if they were published today. So, do you have any song and clip suggestions that you think would go to this list? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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