10 Altcoins That Whales Are Trading Today Announced!

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is the fourth most traded cryptocurrency today, according to whale detective WhaleStats data. The popular meme coin is outpacing Ethereum (ETH), USDC, and Tether (USDT) by 24-hour trading volume. But whales continue to show more and more interest in SHIB. Here are the latest movements of altcoin whales…

Leading altcoin amassed the most volume in 24 hours

According to December 12 data, the list of the most traded cryptocurrencies in the last 24 hours is as follows. Ethereum, USDC, USDT, Shiba Inu and Polygon are in the top 5 rankings of the list. Notable in this ranking, cryptocoin.com As we have mentioned, Shiba’s 24-hour trading volume is more demanded than in the past days. Following this activity, some Binance Coin whales are also observed to purchase SHIB. But so far, the meme coin has not gained strong momentum. Shiba has been trading below a falling resistance line since Oct.

Shiba Inu (SHIB), which ranks 13th by market cap, is trading at $0.00003400, down 9.25% in the last 7 days, according to CoinMarketCap data. According to WhaleStats data, there are a total of 1,049,943 wallets dividing their supply to SHIB, of which 100 are known to be whale wallets. SHIB also came up with the possible $290 million acquisitions of Robinhood exchange. Since a large portion of the meme coin supply is held by a handful of wallets, it could significantly affect its price if it were to be sold.

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