1.2 Billion Cryptocurrency Attack from North Korea in 5 Years: More than Half in 2022!

North Korean hackers have attacked $1.2 billion worth of digital assets in the last 5 years, with more than half of these attacks occurring in 2022.

South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) In a report released Thursday by North Korean cybercriminals in the last five years 1.5 trillion won (about $1.2 billion) It was reported that he stole cryptocurrencies worth of money. This is cyber theft. more than half corresponding 620 million dollars of the excess 2022 in and overseas except South Korea stated to have occurred. In addition, most of the attacks decentralized finance (DeFI) platforms specific and Ethereum (ETH) established on “bridge”were included in the target.

An NIS spokesperson told a local news website about the issue, South Koreamade by crypto transactions regulations by North Korean hackers crypto attacks this year He said he wasn’t impressed.

Digital asset transactions in South Korea have been strengthened by new KYC regulations, so we have not suffered any damage from the attacks.

On the other hand, state-sponsored North Korean hackers 2017has stolen since 1.2 billion dollars digital asset worth only $78 million of it was stolen from South Korea specified.

NIS, North Korea’s fragile economy and Much-needed funding for its nuclear program turned to cybercrime in order to obtain its source and support these activities. suggested.

The NIS also announced that North Korean hackers could be used to steal South Korea’s advanced technologies and classified information pertaining to South Korean foreign policy and national security in the coming year. More cyberattacks are expected. warned against.

Described as one of the biggest cryptocurrency hacks ever experienced, which took place in April 2022 Axie Infinity (AXS) attack by US officials. “The work of North Korean hackers” was defined as. It also functions as an Ethereum (ETH) mixer and has been linked to many money laundering incidents. Tornado CashIn , it was launched as a project of North Korean hackers.

Also find again the year, Lazarus Group North Korean hacker group named 100 million dollars Harmony (WHAT’S THAT) was held responsible for the attack.

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