YouTube Will Disclosure Videos Giving False Information

YouTube has started testing a feature that will extinguish videos that give false information and mislead viewers. The feature called Notes is currently only being tested in the US and in English.

YouTube has begun testing a feature similar to X’s “community notes” for videos uploaded on the platform. With the new feature called “Notes” YouTube, will allow viewers to prove that a song is a parody and not an original, or that videos shared like a current event are actually old footage. Initially, this feature will only be available on mobile devices in the USA and in English.

The new feature is of critical importance as the 2024 US elections are approaching, where a lot of disinformative content is shared. Misinformation was a major issue in the 2020 presidential election, and With the rise of artificial intelligence This problem is expected to increase even more in the 2024 elections. With this feature, YouTube aims to minimize the spread of misinformation on its platform.

This is what YouTube’s Notes feature will look like:

During the testing phase, a limited number of users will be invited to write notes on misleading videos. To be invited to the test, the relevant user must be active on YouTube and have a YouTube channel in good standing in terms of copyright infringement and community guidelines. Viewers in the US will begin to see the notes in the videos in the coming weeks and months. During testing, third-party users will also rate the usefulness and accuracy of the notes. YouTube, this feedbacks will use it to train their systems.

If third parties find the notes useful, they will appear below the videos. Viewers will then indicate whether the note is “helpful,” “somewhat helpful,” or “unhelpful.” They will also explain why they found it useful or unhelpful. YouTube will decide which notes will be published based on the scores it receives. will train the algorithm. This system will continually improve as more notes are submitted and different types of videos are evaluated. As YouTube develops the feature, it will determine whether it makes sense to officially roll it out.

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