YouTube is testing Community Notes feature

YouTube offers a new feature where viewers can provide additional information about videos. This feature, called Community Notes, allows viewers to add additional information and context below videos.

YouTube is working on a new feature called Community Notes that can provide additional information and context under videos. This feature specifically aims to combat misinformation and helps users better understand the content.

YouTube is launching this new feature on mobile devices in English in the US. During the trial phase, a limited number of users will receive invitations to write notes and these users will need to have an active and good YouTube channel.

Through these Community Notes, users will be able to clarify whether a song on YouTube is a parody or whether old footage is being presented as a current event.

The feature is being introduced considering the potential for increased misinformation ahead of the 2024 US presidential elections. With this new feature, YouTube aims to minimize the spread of misinformation on the platform.

During the initial pilot, third-party evaluators will evaluate the usefulness and accuracy of the notes. The feedback will be used to train YouTube’s systems.

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Accepting that there may be some errors during the testing phase, YouTube also states that it is open to user feedback. Viewers will be able to rate Community Notes as “helpful,” “somewhat helpful,” or “unhelpful.” They will also be able to indicate why the note was helpful or unhelpful.

YouTube will develop the algorithm that will publish the notes based on this feedback. The algorithm will identify notes that are useful to a wide audience.

The system will continually improve as more grades are submitted and evaluated. During this process, YouTube will decide whether to officially implement the feature.

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