You Will Be Able to Talk to ChatGPT While Using Other Applications

An update to the iOS version of ChatGPT allows users to continue conversations with the chatbot while using other applications.

Many people now use OpenAI’s chatbot for different purposes. ChatGPT they use. Of course, mobile applications are the most preferred. For this reason, we regularly see moves from the company to improve the user experience in the application. A new update shows that a feature that was not available in the application until now has been added to ChatGPT.

The change is that ChatGPT on iOS version done. So it is accessible to iPhone users. The purpose of the new feature is to enable you to continue your conversation with ChatGPT while doing different things on your phone.

You will be able to voice chat with ChatGPT while using other applications

With the update, ChatGPT users on iPhone can continue to use voice mode when they enter other applications. Well While you are doing other things on your phone, the chat bot continues to give you a flood of answers.

This feature enables ChatGPT on your device. become a digital assistant It wouldn’t be wrong to say that it has brought it a little closer. You will now be able to get help from him while dealing with other things. It will be very useful, especially when the new, more advanced voice mode is introduced. We should point out that the new mode will only come to paid subscribers. Other users will continue to use the current version. Whether it is the old or the new one, such a feature will be very useful to the users.

Apple will bring artificial intelligence to iPhones with iOS 18. One of these will be Siri. Company, Bringing Siri to new era is planning. It is also among the information that he wants to make a deal with OpenAI. If this announcement is made at Monday’s event, we may see Siri powered by ChatGPT. In such a case, the voice assistant of iPhones will increase greatly.

How to use ChatGPT’s continue conversation feature while browsing other apps?

  • Step #1: Open the ChatGPT app on your phone and make sure it’s up to date.
  • Step #2: Open the menu from the top left and go to the bottom and go to “Settings”, where your profile is also visible.
  • Step #3: Activate “Background Conversations” in the “Voice Mode” section and start using the feature.

Here’s an example of how the feature works:

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