You Might Have Missed Something in Stranger Things!

In a statement to the Collider editor, the Duffer brothers announced that the final version of the series was just uploaded to Netflix last night. Since it is known that uploads to Netflix can take 24 hours to show to all users, this indicates that users may have missed some scenes.

Stranger Things, one of the most popular series of Netflix, is finally in its fourth season after a 3-year wait. It came to our screens with its first 7 episodes. After a short wait, the last two episodes of the season were released on Netflix today. But to those who have already watched the two episodes, something has emerged that probably should have been said sooner.

Collider’s Steven Weintraub has publicly shared something the Duffer brothers, the creators of the series, told him. According to Weintraub, the Duffer brothers have added some of the visual effects of the 9th episode of the series, namely the final episode. just completed last night explained.

You may not have seen/will not see chapter 9 in its final form:

Source : discussingfilm-3895757.html

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