World War II Movies – Webtekno

During the Second World War, in which millions of people lost their lives, unprecedented human tragedy occurred both at the front and among civilians. We have listed for you some of the films that describe the Second World War, which was written as an unforgettable black mark in history.

The Second World War, which took place between 1939 and 1945, but whose bloody traces have not been erased even today, did justice to its name and literally the whole world came into conflict. As a result, tens of millions of people lost their lives. Both at the front and behind the line during the Second World War There were incidents among the civilians who were found, which were engraved as a black mark in history.

Of course, when the Second World War is mentioned, the biggest killers that come to mind are the Nazis. Their inventions to systematically kill people are chilling. In addition to those who died there, the survivors provide a much better understanding of what happened. Here’s to those who take all these stories from different points and watch them. Describing the Second World War with its most bare facts There are many successful movies. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

Some of the most successful WWII movies include:

  • stalingrad
  • fury
  • Enemy At The Gates
  • Dunkirk
  • downfall
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • The Pianist
  • Casablanca
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Schindler’s List

The eastern front of the war: Stalingrad

  • Year: 1993
  • Genre: Drama, War
  • Director: Joseph Vilsmaier
  • Cast: Thomas Kretschmann, Dominique Horwitz, Sebastian Rudolf
  • IMDb: 7.5

Stalingrad, a German-made World War II film, is about the events on the eastern front of the war. A group of soldiers who participated in the Battles of El Alamein, Ships from North Africa to Italy. But meanwhile, the Battle of Stalingrad begins and the soldiers, who are already dying from exhaustion, have to go to the front here.

Five against hundreds of enemies: Fury

  • Year: 2014
  • Genre: Action, Drama, War
  • Director: David Ayer
  • Cast: Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman
  • IMDb: 7.5

The last days of the Second World War. An American artillery team of five, They are caught in the middle of 300 enemy soldiers in the heart of Germany. Help will come, but when? This small team of five people put up a strong resistance against hundreds of enemy soldiers until the last drop of their blood for 24 hours to get out of there.

Blindfolded soldiers: Enemy At The Gates

  • Year: 2001
  • Genre: Action, Drama, War
  • Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
  • Cast: Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Joseph Fiennes
  • IMDb: 7.5

Stalingrad is besieged and the city has turned into a huge cemetery. In one of the bloodiest moments of the war two snipers on opposite lines has. The Russian sniper is referred to as a hero, while the other is a murderer. While the conflicts continue unabated, these two soldiers will learn to look at war from a different perspective than what they were taught.

A pincer between the sea and the enemy: Dunkirk

  • Year: 2017
  • Genre: Action, Drama, History
  • Director: Christopher Nolan
  • Cast: Fionn Whitehead, Mark Rylance, Tom Hardy
  • IMDb: 7.8

The movie about the Dunkerque Evacuation, one of the most important events of the Second World War, begins with the siege of hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers. Soldiers, surrounded by the sea on one side and the enemy on the other, are experiencing one of the most desperate moments of the war. All they want is to get rid of this clamp, but the siege is getting to a point where it will suffocate them.

Hitler’s last days: Downfall

  • Year: 2004
  • Genre: Biography, Drama, History
  • Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel
  • Cast: Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara
  • IMDb: 8.2

Downfall, which has a very successful production in the taste of a documentary, Inspired by the book Inside Hitler’s Bunker by Joachim Fest. In the movie, we watch the story of the fall of Berlin in the last days of the Second World War and the last days of Adolf Hitler, who shed blood all over the world.

An alternative WWII story: Inglourious Basterds

  • Year: 2009
  • Genre: Adventure, Drama, War
  • Director: Quentin Tarantino
  • Cast: Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz
  • IMDb: 8.3

Quentin Tarantino, the extraordinary director of American cinema, tells an alternative WWII story in his movie Inglourious Basterds. A young girl who witnessed the murder of her family He goes to Paris and starts a new life. On the other hand, Jewish gangs are resisting the Nazis. The path of this young girl will cross with one of these gangs at some point.

Alone in the Warsaw ghetto: The Pianist

  • Year: 2002
  • Genre: Biography, Drama, Music
  • Director: Roman Polanski
  • Cast: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Emilia Fox
  • IMDb: 8.5

The Pianist, the film adaptation of the book of the same name by Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman, It is about the occupation of Poland by the Nazis. The lives of these people, who have ordinary lives, will be turned upside down with the start of the Nazi occupation, while most of them find themselves in concentration camps, few of them will survive these difficult days.

Europeans fleeing the Nazis: Casablanca

  • Year: 1942
  • Genre: Drama, Romance, War
  • Director: Michael Curtiz
  • Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid
  • IMDb: 8.5

The cult movie Casablanca, one of the masterpieces of the cinema world, escaped from the Nazis during the Second World War and entered Morocco. It tells the story of those who come to the city of Casablanca. Even though our hero, bar manager Rick Blaine, is shocked to see his ex and her husband here, he will do his best to get them out of town.

Save my son: Saving Private Ryan

  • Year: 1998
  • Genre: Drama, War
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Cast: Ryan Hurst, Tom Hanks, Tom Sizemore
  • IMDb: 8.6

Saving Private Ryan, known as Saving Private Ryan in our country, begins with the cry of a soldier’s mother. A mother who lost three of her four sons in the war, she wants at least her youngest son, Ryan, to come back home. A team is formed by order of the president. The team’s only mission is to save Ryan, but when they fall into battle, it’s their own lives they should be worried about.

War through the eyes of a child: Life is Beautiful

  • Year: 1997
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Director: Roberto Benigni
  • Cast: Roberto Benigni, Horst Buchholz, Marisa Paredes
  • IMDb: 8.6

The Italian film, whose original name is La vita e bella, is known as Life is Beautiful in our country. Guido and Dora fall in love and get married and have a child. When life is good for them, the war begins. The Jewish family is hastily taken to concentration camps. Since Guido cannot tell his son about this inhumane drama, he turns the war into a game. From that point on, we begin to watch the events through the eyes of a child.

One of the best films in the history of cinema: Schindler’s List

  • Year: 1993
  • Genre: Biography, Drama, History
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Cast: Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes
  • IMDb: 9.0

Schindler’s List, considered by many to be one of the most successful films of all time, Adapted from a real life story. A German businessman opens a factory in Poland as the Second World War rages on. 1100 Jewish workers are working in the factory he opened, and the only reason these 1100 Jewish workers survived is because that man opened this factory.

causing the death of millions of people We’ve listed some of the best WWII movies. Of course, this list could have been much longer. You can share the Second World War themed movies that you want to be on our list in the comments.

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