World Medical Association is for general vaccination from the age of 18 – incidence rises to 1388

In a dispute between father and mother about vaccination of their children, the district court of Bad Iburg decided that the children can be vaccinated. The family court followed the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), said a court spokeswoman on Friday.

In that case, a divorced couple argued whether their children aged 12 and 14 should be vaccinated against Corona. The mother refused the vaccination.

The court ruled that, provided there were no particular risks for the child, the parent was responsible to leave the decision to endorse Stiko’s recommendations. The judges thus transferred the decision about the vaccination to the father, on condition that Biontech is injected. Stiko recommends vaccination with Biontech for children and young people between the ages of twelve and 17.

The court also ruled that a parent may order a vaccination even if the children cannot form their own opinion about the chances and risks because they would be intimidated by a parent. The decision is not yet final.

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