Women’s Motherhood to Men in a Relationship: Wendy’s Syndrome

Every woman, at least once in her life, may have sacrificed more than herself for the man she loves. People say, “I did everything for him, but I couldn’t make it”, that account. The name of this condition in the literature is ‘Wendy’s syndrome’.

Wendy’s syndrome in a relationship with Peter Pan syndrome seen together. We’re talking about men with Peter Pan syndrome, who aren’t mature enough to handle relationships.


The Main Reason For Men’s Childlike Behavior That Couldn’t Keep Up With Adulthood: Peter Pan Syndrome

When you think of Wendy’s syndrome, you may think of your mother or grandmother. However, that is not the case at all. old generation, new generation Regardless, we can see that many women “broom their hair” in common terms in a relationship.

You can’t save that immature child!

If a person takes care of the person they love, you might say, “What’s wrong with that?” Generally, women in relationships childlike and it can be said that she is a mother to men who do not know how to have a relationship.

Psychologists state that men with Peter Pan syndrome don’t care about their own lives as much as they don’t care about others. In short, this type of men cannot take responsibility for the relationship, and therefore there are women who wear out from the relationship. Women, He is trying to save these lost children with whom they have a relationship and to make them “man” as the people call them.


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Peter Pan will never grow up!

Peter Pan

Men with Peter Pan syndrome tend to be quite towards the other side at the beginning of the relationship. showing interest are persons. With these features, they show themselves like a perfect man. During the sweet months of the relationship, their romance and fun draws a lot of attention.

Men with Peter Pan syndrome, after attracting the other side with such positive features, when business gets serious All these features disappear at once.

After a while, women, these men; It may be too late, although she realizes that she is not the loyal, family man they thought she was.


Until this point of realization, many women spend too much of their energies on men with Peter Pan syndrome because they believe they will correct them. Women think that these men will one day mature to the point where they can start a family, but these people responsibility of the family There will never be people who can take it.

You are wrong if you think that you are doing all these things because you are really in love.


It is seen that men with Peter Pan syndrome stay away from the relationship and flirt with other people according to their minds. Those men know very well that they can always come back a port has. For this reason, they often turn to mature women who take the whole burden of the relationship when they run away from the relationship and are alone.

So, is it just because women are so in love that they feel so sorry for people who have trouble dating? The answer is of course no. women in relationship to Wendy’s syndrome The reason why he was caught is actually his personality traits.


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Women with Wendy syndrome are more concerned about the needs of others than their own.


Women, as if he had to take care of others They can take too much responsibility in the relationship because of their feelings. Because in this way, they can feel that they make others happy and be satisfied. The priority is always the needs of others.

But women once to do something for themselves they may discover that it is better for them. After this awareness, they can end the relationship, but until this point, they can ignore their own needs for others.

The interesting thing is that one of the biggest fears of people with Wendy’s syndrome is that others need they will not hear. People with this syndrome start to fear being alone because of this. In other words, the fact that they take all the responsibility of the other party in the relationship is because they have a person to look after and they think that there is someone who needs them.

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