A channel on YouTube that shares uncensored breastfeeding videos has become a trending topic on social media. Users have questioned how YouTube allows such videos. The channel was only opened yesterday, and it has attracted more than 600,000 views in one day. It was revealed that the woman who shot the videos is an OnlyFans content producer.
YouTube, the world’s most popular video platform, has billions of videos from many different categories. Of course, the company also has policies to prevent inappropriate videos. Nudity This includes content that includes nudity. Most videos containing nudity are prohibited from being on the platform. However, there are some exceptions.
One of these exceptions was noticed by X users today and quickly became a trending topic. Sierra Education The uncensored videos shared by a channel named attracted the attention of users.
The uncensored nature of the videos on the channel caught the attention of users:
We can see that three videos have been shared on the channel so far. All of these videos breastfeeding focused videos. The woman who owns the channel uses a doll in all of the videos to give breastfeeding training to viewers and shows the breast part uncensored shown.
When we look at the details of the Sierra Education channel, we can see that it is a very newly established channel. According to the information section about it, On July 18, 2024which means it was founded yesterday. It managed to get over 600 thousand views in one day.
It is not hard to guess that its sudden popularity in X has caused the number of views to increase so much. Thousands of users are questioning how YouTube allows such content. link here You can reach us via.
Does YouTube allow this type of content?
As we said at the beginning, the vast majority of videos containing nudity are prohibited on YouTube. These are “for sexual gratification, inappropriate, pornographic“ are considered content. The platform says that if these videos are shared, they may be removed and even the channel may be closed.
But like breastfeeding, “focused on education and healthThe videos described as ” not included. Videos containing nudity for educational purposes have been allowed on the platform for a very long time. Right now thousands It is possible to access uncensored YouTube videos in the education or health category. In fact, in November 2023, it was even possible for those who produce such videos, such as breastfeeding, to earn money. So there is nothing new.
It was unclear whether Sierra Education was truly an educational channel or a channel to gain subscribers and views. Although each video was stated at the beginning as educational, many users did not think so. Indeed, the information that emerged They were right showed.
The owner of the channel turned out to be a content creator on OnlyFans:
The X account of a woman named Sierra Education revealed that the videos were not for educational purposes. In fact, in her posts, the woman She produces content on OnlyFans seen. The YouTube channel was probably opened to promote the OnlyFans account. Let’s add that there has been no action from YouTube on the subject for now. We are not sharing the woman’s X account with you because it is full of inappropriate content.
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