Windows 10 Will Only Get 1 Major Update Per Year Now

Microsoft has made a new decision regarding the feature updates of Windows 10 that are offered twice a year. According to this decision, users will now receive a feature update once a year.

US-based technology giant Microsoft, Windows 10 announced that he had made an important decision regarding the In the statements made by John Cable, one of the company’s senior managers, feature updates that bring important innovations to Windows 10 and are published twice a year, will be published once a year expressed. So Windows 10 will now be renewed less in terms of features.

Microsoft focuses on user experience Windows 10 21H2 (November 2021) will distribute the update to all users shortly. Users will not receive another update that brings big and important features within 1 year after this update. According to Cable, Windows 10’s next big feature update will arrive in 2022. for the 2nd half is programmed.

The reason for Microsoft’s Windows 10 decision is Windows 11

According to the statements made by Microsoft, Windows 11 user feedback quite positive. Therefore, the company will put more effort into Windows 11 instead of Windows 10. Saying that the speed of the new operating system to users exceeded expectations, Microsoft officials also announced the distribution network for users who support the Windows 11 upgrade. they will accelerate they announced. However, no explanation was given as to how this would happen. Perhaps in the coming period, Windows 11 Increasing the number of processors it supports we can see.


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Meanwhile, for users who want to continue using Windows 10 the countdown has begun I have to say too. Because, according to Microsoft’s update cycle program, Windows 10, by 2025 It will continue to receive feature updates. However, it is very difficult to predict what will happen in 2025. If Windows 11 supersedes Windows 10 very quickly, it can easily be replaced by Windows 10. dispensable looks like…

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