Why the energy sector is less important

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The strategists (from left): Laetitia-Zarah Gerbes (Acatis Investment), Gabriele Hartmann (Perspective Asset Management) and David Wehner (Do Investment).

(Photo: private)

Munich Hardly any other industry is currently in the public eye as much as the energy sector. The price shock for oil and gas triggered by the war in Ukraine unsettles consumers and entrepreneurs alike. For this reason, the federal government recently decided on the so-called gas levy for companies.

It is intended to protect ailing energy companies such as Uniper from insolvency and ensure the gas supply for industry and consumers. But not only the loss-making Finnish-German group Uniper wants to claim additional costs. Other corporations, including some with billions in profits, want to be compensated through the levy.

This creates social explosives. It will not be an easy task for the government in the coming months to fairly distribute the welfare losses in society due to higher energy prices.

By October at the latest there will be more clarity. Then consumers will be asked to pay the gas surcharge, while energy companies will publish their quarterly results. Dissatisfaction with energy policy in Germany is likely to persist.

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