Why The Edensol Project Is The Most Popular Metaverse Game

NFT Metaverses became by far the most popular trend in the gaming universe in 2021. The incredible success of games like Axie Infinity, which has sold over $3 billion with NFTs, seems to be the start of a new era where gaming meets crypto and players can finally reap extraordinary rewards for their talent. A new game called Edensol is entering the industry.

The advantages of NFTs in games are quite large

While NFT, games and metaverse are getting popular, behind this interest are the advantages of gaming NFTs such as:

  • They transform in-game assets (characters, costumes, weapons and more) into unique and valuable crypto tokens that can be traded and collected for profit.
  • The Play to Earn (P2E) model allows the most talented games to earn NFT awards for their gaming performance and victories – a first in global gaming history.
  • They represent an unprecedented and highly attractive asset class for investors who can financially benefit from the growth of the most successful gaming ecosystems and the unique rarity of each NFT.

Edensol will take the industry by storm

A new game is about to take the industry by storm: Edensol. Built on the versatile and powerful Solana Blockchain, Edensol is the ultimate action role-playing NFT game developed by Golem House. With new NFT games being released in increasing numbers, the Golem House team has developed Edensol to stand out in the space thanks to long-term growth potential and a positive player experience. It is clear that while the NFT advantage is strong, only a game can turn its Metaverse into a huge global success if the game is exciting and addictive. That’s why Edensol brings an exciting combination of fantasy, action, competition and unbeatable rewards to the field:

  • Exceptional gameplay: Edensol is both fascinating and competitive. Players can choose to become unique Heroes (Warriors, Rangers and Mages) fighting Monsters in memorable missions. Alternatively, they can choose to fight other Heroes one-on-one to determine who is truly the best and who will receive an NFT and NSOL token reward.
  • Dear NFTs: Edensol was designed with an obsessive focus on making all in-game NFTs uncompromisingly original, valuable and collectible by enthusiasts and investors alike. The range of potential NFTs is unrivaled: there are special weapons, enhanced combat gear, limited edition clothing, pets, eggs and much more. This ensures that all players and NFT collectors will find something they love, while their rarity fuels long-term price increases.
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  • An ecosystem designed for growth: Solana provides high scalability thanks to its mind-blowing speed (710,000 transactions per second) and transaction costs as low as $0.0001. Built on Solana, Edensol provides a fast, low-cost way to actively buy and trade NFTs compared to more costly Ethereum-based alternatives. In addition, being the 5th largest cryptocurrency in the world and cross-chain compatibility, Solana ensures that Edensol’s NFTs are always liquid.
  • Epic tournaments: Tournaments are the ultimate public arena where Edensol has become a spectator sport and players from around the world can measure their skills against one another. Players can participate freely and win prizes, including Edensol’s native cryptocurrency ESOL and a wide variety of valuable NFTs. In addition, eSports lovers can watch the matches and actively bet on the outcome with ESOL with the players – ultimately increasing the popularity and participation of the game.
  • Terrain NFTs and guilds: Land NFTs are tied to a region within a particular Metaverse, which increases in value and generates passive income as the game attracts more players and NFT investors. The world of Edensol is divided into plots of land that can be conquered by Guilds, NSOL tokens are used by player groups to occupy the land and fight for rare NFTs. Guild members share earnings from land revenues and can go on raids to conquer more land than other Guilds – building a valuable virtual land NFT empire.
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Metaverses attract investment

The action and excitement of the NFT metaverses is also on the radar of investors placing big bets on the industry:

  • Sidus Heroes has raised over $21 million on its IDO.
  • Players invested $203 million in the digital land sale of Ember Sword as NFT in August 2021.
  • MOBA game SolChicks raised $20 million in November 2021 during its public fundraising round.

Edensol is an NFT metaverse that aims to dominate this new era and become a recognized name among the gaming, NFT investment and venture capitalist communities. Leveraging its unique gameplay and NFTs, investors and players alike are positioned to benefit from its enormous growth potential.

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