The conditions for interest on call money and time deposits currently differ significantly depending on the bank.
(Photo: dpa)
Frankfurt There hasn’t been a three before the decimal point for money in accounts for what feels like an eternity. Now three banks are offering this interest rate for call money, with fixed deposits over a year it hardly seems to be anything special. In the past three weeks alone, interest rates for call money have risen by an average of 15 percent, according to the Frankfurt financial service FMH-Finanzberatung. Since the beginning of the year, they have rocketed by 70 percent.
Since the European Central Bank no longer charged negative interest on deposits from banks and savings banks, but is currently even paying three percent interest, institutions are increasingly using interest rates again as an instrument for customer acquisition. So that such marketing measures do not become too expensive, the offers are usually limited in time and often contain further conditions. It can still pay off for investors to check the offers. The Handelsblatt provides an overview.
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