Why Is It Forbidden To Laugh In Biometric Photos?

When you go to a photographer and want to take a biometric photo, you cannot pose as you please. You cannot smile, frown, or stand sideways. So why so many restrictions?

Chip IDs and passports, which have been used in Turkey for a while, are now biometric photos is being used. These photos are a bit different from the headshots we are used to.

So, have you wondered why? Applied in biometric photos rules when you learnWow!“We are sure you will.

The institution that sets the standards for biometric photographs: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The rate of going abroad for business or vacation is increasing day by day. These trips were not considered very important in the past. However As of the 2000s this situation has changed. The increase in the number of terrorist incidents and criminals, especially the September 11 attacks in the USA, made the authorities more sensitive about biometric photography. At this point, the institution that ignited the fuse was the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) happened.

The development of technology has made the passports and IDs we use smarter. Today, these documents are related to an individual, thanks to features such as the banderol and chip on it. to all data provides instant access. This is exactly why certain rules are imposed on biometric photos. The system doesn’t make you look like someone else while wearing too much makeup or posing. your natural state wants to register.

Even if you have a biometric photo, you may have problems with passport and going abroad!

ICAO recommends according to standards Your biometric photo must be centered on your face, looking straight, without frowning or smiling. Moreover, these alone are not enough. The background is white, the resolution of the photo is 400 dpi, the overall size of the photo is 50 mm x 60 mm, the height of the area where your face sits. 36mm it should.

Let’s say all this is achieved. Still without passport verification you may not pass. You ask why? Digitally inspecting passports at airports, FR systems can measure the distance between the mouth and nose and between the two eyes. Here, excessive laughing can distort this measure. With this; In systems used by some countries such as the USA, Up to 14-20 points are defined and compared to the biometric photo in the passport. If this comparison does not fit, you may not be allowed to enter the country. In addition to all these; high level strabismus problem People with a passport may also have problems with passport verification and may not receive approval.

ICAO’s biometric photography study was advisory. However, it became a standard when it was adopted by countries.

Biometric photo examples

The biometric photo standards prepared by the International Civil Aviation Organization, in the first stage, only it was advisory. However, the USA and Canada’s setting rules over ICAO, and the UK’s making the recommended standards a rule in 2005, led to the formation of an international regulation for biometric photographs. Wherever you are in the world today, three more or less the same biometric photo you are withdrawn.

Note: When you enter ICAO, which is among our resources, you can examine in detail not only biometric photos, but also all the features of a passport.

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