Why Have Our Google Search Results Got Worse Lately?

Google’s recent artificial intelligence (AI) updates have radically changed our search results. So, how do these changes affect our access to information?

When you searched on Google recently, The results you get are as satisfying as before. Did you notice that it wasn’t?

In fact, the reason behind this situation is What Google did to artificial intelligence Hidden in the last big investment.

So what has changed?

Last year, Google In order not to fall behind in the competition in the field of artificial intelligence Made many updates. The most recent of these updates is the introduction of “AI summaries” in search results.

You can now see an AI summary at the top of your results when you search. Summary, It aims to quickly present you the subject you are looking for. However, it brought about many discussions.

Below the summaries, Google searches for sources that support the topic and Links to find more information states that it offers.

However, the possibility that users will only be content with the summary instead of clicking on these links, source of income for people who produce content can seriously affect.

Previously, when you searched for a topic on Google, you would get more information by clicking on the web pages that appeared.

Google artificial intelligence OpenAI

Now the AI ​​summaries you see are: by artificial intelligence trained on the texts being created. However, there is one thing that Google has forgotten: artificial intelligence models can still make mistakes and sometimes provide incorrect information.

For example, Google’s AI summary quotes a famous quote from the literary classic “Of Mice and Men.” It looks like it belongs in The Walking Dead TV series showed.

AI models are trained based on human-made texts. If they are fed too much AI-generated content, the quality of the model may degrade over time.

artificial intelligence writing

This condition is called “Model Autophagy Disorder” (MAD) and is caused by AI models. gradually decreasing quality or diversity why could it be.

Researchers say AI models unless fed with real data He states that the quality or diversity of future generative models will decrease. So, as you can see, we may make serious efforts in the future to obtain accurate information.

We have previously reported on this subject, you can click to learn the details:


Google’s Artificial Intelligence Infuriated Users: It Provides False Information in Search Results!

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