Why Don’t We Blink During Mindfulness?

We all daydream or sometimes meditate, regardless of place or time. So why do we focus on one place and our blink reflex decreases while we are immersed in these dreams?

Our focus is not on the outside world, while we are staring at one place and indifferent to the messages coming from our environment. in our inner world is happening.

Why not to a fixed area while doing this? we stare And we don’t blink?

The main reason is due to changes in brain functions.

Visual cortex of the brain during daydreaming or distraction is less active a condition detected in brain scan studies.

The visual cortex works in coordination with the brain region that processes visual information and our eyes. The visual cortex is less active in the state of distraction, so the rate of movement and blinking of the eyes There is a significant decrease.

“Where did you dive in?!” What causes us to hear the question?

When the eyes are looking at any point, that point focuses itself and sharpen the image, just like the sharpening in cameras.

The brain wants to perform the same action during distraction. So your eyes to the images that come to life in your mind He wants her to focus. But eyes will focus couldn’t find anything It looks “blankly” towards a fixed region for

Here, when we look into the distance in an “empty” way, we actually detach from the outside world and focus on our dreams in our inner world. Our eyes do not know what to do and loses focus. That’s why we notice the outside world in a blurry way.

As we shift our focus back to the outside world, we blink and remove that distraction.

The subject of why we end our distraction by blinking is the act of blinking. as we wander through thoughts It’s about being another action we do. It has been observed that people blink when jumping from one thought to another.

The blink rate decreases for the same reason when diving in.

Blink, to moisten the eye unconscious It is an action that takes place. The brain during daydreaming; detached from the outside world by processing visual, auditory and other sensory information another world and when he turns his focus to this world, his blink rate is drastically reduced.

In a study published in the journal Psychological Science in 2010, 15 graduate students were asked to read a chapter of a book. The purpose of the experiment was that people lost their focus while reading a book. the reaction of your eyes was to observe.

During this observation, people while focused much less blinking was observed. They blinked more when they lost their focus.


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