Why does time pass faster as we get older?

We all remember that when we were kids, summer holidays seemed endless, but as the years pass, time starts to fly by. So why does our perception of time speed up as we get older?

How many times as you get older? “Time flies.” Did you make the sentence? This number is probably increasing every day.

That feeling of never ending in our childhood days It is not possible to take it back But at least now we can stop worrying about it by realizing that time passes quickly for those of us who get older.

Our perception of time is directly related to how our brain processes and stores memories.

As a child, our brain encounters a lot of new experiences and it takes time to process these experiences. Therefore, we felt like time was flowing more slowly. But as we get older, our brains become many renders the experience faster because these experiences become familiar and similar ones have been experienced before. This actually creates the feeling that time passes faster.

We stick to routine.

As we get older, our routines increase and our lives become more predictable, which also affects our perception of time. Our brain, recording recurring events It consumes less energy.

Going to work every day go through the same roads and doing similar activities causes our brain to record these memories less carefully. That’s why weeks and months seem to pass in the blink of an eye.

So, is it possible to slow down this accelerated perception of time?

Yes, we can make time feel fuller and longer with scientific strategies. Engaging our brain with new experiences is the first thing that can be done. acquiring new hobbies, traveling to new places or meeting new people. All of these slow down our perception of time as it causes our brain to release more dopamine and brings new memories.

Mindfulness, that is. mindfulness practice You can start living the moment by doing this. Since stress levels will decrease with meditation, it is possible to have a positive effect on the perception of time.

keep a diary

How about keeping a diary? At the end of every day write about your experiences, It makes your days feel fuller. This not only creates the feeling of time passing more slowly when looking back at the past, but also allows you to record daily events more carefully.

physical activity It also increases dopamine levels and improves the overall functionality of the brain. You can also use your days more effectively by exercising regularly and protect both your body and brain health.

Remember, time is actually about how you feel about it. Each enjoy the moment and enrich your life with new experiences.

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