Why Does Raki Turn White When Water Is Added?

Turkey’s popular alcoholic drink, raki, turns white when water is added to it, just like magic. So what’s the reason for this? Today we will explain to you why raki turns white when water is added.

Every country has a favorite alcoholic drink. Russian vodka and Mexican tequila are very popular. The alcoholic beverage identified in our country is rakı. Raki is not drunk with everyone, because it has a weight. One double, two doubles, and he can get drunk all of a sudden. Raki, a drink that you get used to drinking and not preferred dry due to its heavy smell coming from anise, even has a magic in itself by turning white when water is added. Well, have you ever thought about why whites are white when water is added to raki?

Today, although the raki has not whitened when there is already water in it, it is added later. cause of water whitening we will explain. Let’s see together what is the reason for raki, while there is no color transition in other drinks.

Why do they turn white when water is added to the raki afterwards?

What gives the smell of raki is anise oil. In general 40 to 45 percent alcohol The rest of the raki is already water. In other words, while there is 40 – 45 percent ethyl alcohol in a raki you buy from the market, the rest is mostly water. Apart from this, some anise oil is also added.

You may wonder why raki does not turn white when there is already water in it. This is due to the alcohol content. When alcohol content is above 38 percent insoluble to release the anise oil pigment. When water is added to it, the alcohol rate drops rapidly, and the pigments in the anise oil become active and add a white color to the drink. The less alcohol This is the reason why its color is whiter.


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It is useful to be careful when drinking alcohol.


First of all, you need to know that drinks such as raki have extremely high alcohol rates. If you are under the age of 18, you should not buy or consume these drinks. Apart from this, the drinks you will drink are labeled; So we recommend that you pay attention to the fact that it is not fake. It can be experienced due to alcohol poisoning, which can cause serious life problems, excessive use of alcohol and, of course, fake alcohol.

Today we explained to you why raki turns white when water is added. If you want more content like this, don’t forget to share it with us in the comments section.

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