Why Does Jupiter Spin So Fast?

You’ve probably heard that Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet in the Solar System. So, are you wondering why?

In fact, although the reason for this situation seems complicated, it is quite clear. To understand this It will be enough to look at the mass of Jupiter.

The Earth completes one rotation in approximately 24 hours For Jupiter, this period is only 10 hours!

How does Jupiter, known as the fastest rotating planet in the solar system, achieve this?

As we said at the beginning Jupiter’s mass underlies this rapid rotation. They condensed from the disk of material called protoplanets that orbited the Sun during the formation of planets.

In this process, naturally angular momentum is conserved and planets increase this momentum during their formation.

Gas giants like Jupiter have very large masses, which is an important factor that pushes them to spin faster during condensation.

If we take into account that the ice skater rotates faster when he pulls his arms towards himself, the planets also begin to rotate faster by contracting under gravity. The subject of our question Jupiter’s mass also accelerates this process impressively.

One with world clock Jupiter completes its rotation in 10 hoursSince it is a giant planet, it maintains its place among the fastest in the Solar system.

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