Why Do You Have Difficulty Holding Your Pee in Front of the House?

Have you ever had a hard time holding your pee when you come to the door of your house? Because we are conditionally conditioned, this situation may be due to overactive bladder syndrome.

After a tiring school day, your classes are over and you went out with your friends. Before moving home, you sat down at a cafe to spend some time with your friends. You had a drink here. After a nice evening, you made your way home. There were no signs of peeing until this time, but when you arrived at your doorstep suddenly your pee came. He pressed you so hard that you hurriedly started going through the keys. While waiting for the elevator, you tried to move constantly so that you wouldn’t miss it. You entered the door of the house with quick steps and rushed to the toilet. Have you experienced a similar scenario before?

Although you normally do not pee, when you approach the house or come directly to the door, there may be a moment when you suddenly pee. If you have experienced this situation and wondered, we can relieve you a little bit. This doesn’t just happen to you. many people, When they come to their home or comfort zone, they may suddenly feel the need to pee. Today we will try to give you answers to why you suddenly pee when you come home.

Why do we have trouble holding our pee in front of the house?

Have you ever wondered why you pee so much when you unlock your door in front of your house? Why do you always feel such an urge to enter the house when it can be before or after you come home? Does it always coincide with this moment? As someone who experiences this situation often, I ask myself this question. In fact, this issue is a phenomenon followed in the medical world. There are several plausible explanations for this feeling, although the exact cause is unknown. from conditional conditioning This phenomenon often happens to people with Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB). This situation does not pose a serious problem when it happens occasionally, but when it becomes more frequent, it can reduce the quality of life. For this reason, if you are also suffering from this syndrome, you should not neglect to consult a doctor.

In the content written by Health, who made a statement on the subject, At Cleveland Clinic, urologist Dr. Sandip VasavadaIt is not known exactly why the need to pee when coming to the door in individuals with OAB is not known, but it is “Pavlovian conditioningHe stated that it may have happened because of

To give a more descriptive answer to the question of why we have trouble holding our pee when we come in front of the house, we can give an example of the frequent combination of coming home and going to the toilet right away. When something is repeated, the human body gets used to it, the urge to urinate even if you do not have a toilet in the future, since he always goes to the toilet at first when he comes home is starting to hear.

What triggers the urge to pee in individuals with OAB?


overactive bladder syndrome Conditional conditioning is often what triggers the urge to pee in people with OAB. Dr. According to Vasavada’s statements, situations such as hand washing and showering in warm water can also turn into an urge to pee in individuals with OAB. Washing hands after peeing or peeing while taking a warm shower for some people triggers conditioned conditioning after a while.

What is overactive bladder syndrome? What are the symptoms?

overactive bladder

Before our urine is expelled bladder It is kept in an organ. In this muscular organ Up to 500 cc of urine can be stored. People with OAB usually start to feel like they’re peeing when their bladder is half full. If appropriate factors are provided, such as knowing that the toilet is nearby, our brain will begin to send signals to urinate. In fact, one of the main reasons we pee when we approach home is because we come into our comfort zone. In other words, our brain starts sending signals because it knows that it is approaching the most suitable toilet for us. Those signals also make us think that we should pee, causing us to get stuck in a way.

Of course, daily factors are also important here. Factors such as how much fluid we drink, when we last peed, and whether we have various diseases determine our frequency of urination. There are also different symptoms of overactive bladder. In general, because the bladder needs to be emptied before it is full, You may urinate 4 to 8 times a day.


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What are the treatments for overactive bladder syndrome?

peeing man

In some cases, it can go as far as urinary incontinence. There is no single definitive treatment for overactive bladder syndrome. In order to prevent this ailment, doctors prefer treatment methods that are somewhat related to the individual’s interest, such as various diets, bladder training and fluid management. Caffeine and alcohol use are among the beverages to be considered in overactive bladder syndrome. In addition, some drug treatments to control the bladder nerves and even some surgical interventions to enlarge the bladder can be performed.

Today, we explained to you why you suddenly pee when you come to the door. If you want more content like this, don’t forget to write to us in the comments section.

Source: Health, Shape, Harvard, Turkish Urology Association

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