Why Do We Snap Our Fingers? – Webtekno

Sometimes what we all do involuntarily is crack our fingers. Why do you think we do this strange but relaxing move?

Actually for no particular reason Does this action cause any harm to us?

They all have a logical explanation. OK then What do experts say about this?

Some people do not like the involuntary cracking of their fingers that we do throughout the day.

Some people do this because of stress, some because of boredom, and some do it unconsciously. There is actually no scientific evidence of this situation, about which there are many rumors. What makes our joints weak?nor does it harm us in the short term.

The biggest motivation for cracking your fingers It is the feeling of stress and the sound produced. This sound can be soothing for people. Of course, it’s not just limited to this. Some people think that cracking your fingers creates space in the joints, which increases mobility.

Let’s say from the beginning that there is no scientific evidence for all of this!

This is what happens when we pull on our joints Cause of the “click” sound cannot be understood scientifically. We even thought for a while that this sound was coming from joint fluid or collapsing nitrogen bubbles. However, studies on the subject show that there is a gap due to the negative pressure created after the rapid separation of the joint.

As a result of the research This gap formation of the cracking sound He states that it came out during. Experts argue that there is no scientific harm in making this sound.

Two opinions have been put forward regarding finger cracking.

One is cavitation and the other is tribonucleation. According to cavitation, when the pressure decreases in gas-soluble liquids, gas molecules are released as bubbles. When these gas bubbles combine with the joint fluid and burst, the famous “pop” sound is created.

According to the other view, solid environments in liquids with gas dissolved in them cause them to separate when they come into contact with each other. More force is needed. During this separation process, gas bubbles appear and they combine and explode, making that sound again.

This action, which does not have any benefit or harm, It does not normally cause any swelling or adverse condition. Do not forget that if you observe swelling, bruising or any negative situation when you crack your fingers, you should consult your doctor.

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