Why Do We Love Some Bad Characters in Movies/TV Series?

We are strangely attracted to evil characters in movies and TV series. The reason for this is hidden deep in our psychology.

Joker, Loki, Hannibal… Although they are all depicted as evil characters We can be interested in each of them. isn’t it?

How can we love something that is “bad”? these characters The reasons for our motivation to love Let’s get down and face ourselves!

They are often presented as charismatic.

Bad characters in movies and TV series are often played by people who can be described as “attractive”. This makes us interested in bad characters. We can give many examples of attractive evil characters. For example; Hannibal Lecter, Loki, Darth Vader, Walter White, Joker, Kylo Ren, Magneto, Cersei Lannister, Negan…

The characters are developed in depth.

Bad characters are often complex. In movies or TV series; in the past their traumas, psychological injuries, internal conflicts is included in depth. Thus, we better understand why they are bad and feel both empathy and curiosity.

Moreover the dark sides of society and the negative aspects that are often hidden They bring it to the surface of the water. In a way, we come face to face with the darkness within ourselves.

They create the most exciting elements in the story.

kylo ren

Bad characters appear in fiction with their unpredictable actions. Thus the issue its dynamics and excitement They are increasing. Good characters are generally more “boring”. They demonstrate ethical actions that are expected by all. Doesn’t sound interesting at all, does it?

In addition, evil characters can seem a little more impressive to us because they are depicted as having extraordinary abilities. Most importantly, even though they have bad features, their own moral codes and motivations. to be. This makes us love them.

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