Why Do We Feel a Deep Silence When It Snows?

These days when the heat starts to scorch, we’re starting to miss winter, right? We thought of the peace and coolness of the snow, as well as its silence. Why do we feel an enchanting silence when it actually snows?

When you think about it, you agree, right? Maybe you’ve never noticed, but when it snows, there’s a silence envelops.

The structure of snowflakes Various factors, including ambient temperature, tell us about this situation. Let’s look at the answer.

Snowflakes act as natural insulators thanks to the air spaces inside them.

When they fall to the ground, they stick to each other and form a snow cover They create. This cover absorbs and disperses sound waves. So snow works just like a sound insulation material. insulation effect, It causes the surrounding sounds to decrease and a quieter environment is created.

Snowflakes reflect and scatter sound waves in different directions due to their irregular shapes.

Normally, sound waves reflect and echo when they hit hard surfaces. However, snow cover minimizes this reflection. This causes sounds to be heard less, especially in noisy areas such as cities. In short, while it is snowing, the sounds around us are a kind of being sucked and its reflections are decreasing.

Cold weather also affects the speed of sound propagation.

Why is there silence when it snows?

At low temperatures, air density increases and sound waves travel slower. This situation, sound propagation distance It shortens and therefore causes sounds to be heard less even at closer distances. When we consider that the weather is generally cold when it is snowing, this factor appears as another reason for silence.

If you haven’t noticed before, when winter comes, enjoy the snow You can also extract it with silence. We miss those days already, right?

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