Why Do Stewardesses Have to Put Their Hair in a Bun?

Stewardesses are people who are responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight. Them; They attract attention with their uniforms, scarves and perfect make-up. And of course, with her hair!

Stewardesses’ hair is always It is neatly gathered and shaped like a bun. It is almost impossible to see a stewardess with a contrary hairstyle.

Alright Why do stewardesses have to put their hair in a bun?

Stewardesses always look great.

Their hair, make-up and uniforms are always perfect. However, in order for them to achieve this perfection, There are some rules they have to follow.

If a stewardess’s hair If it is longer than 15 centimeters, it is not recommended to use it. She definitely has to make a bun. One of the reasons for this is that stewardesses can act easily in case of a possible accident.

While serving food and drinks to passengers Your hair should be away from these foods. Who would find orange juice or toast delicious with a hair missing?

On the other hand, the bun form reflects the identity of the hostesses.


Thanks to this hairstyle, they cannot be confused with any passenger or anyone else, and passengers When they see someone with her hair perfectly tied up in a bun, they easily recognize that this person is a stewardess.

In addition, just as the uniforms of stewardesses help them look professional, Hair tied into a bun also has the same effect.

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