Why Do Some Cows Have a Huge Hole in Their Stomach?

The reason why some cows have a hole in their belly in the livestock industry is related to milk productivity.

Animals used in the dairy industry A hole large enough to fit an arm is made in the stomach of some, but not all, of them, and plastic is placed around the hole.

The same practice can also be done in veterinary faculties. So what exactly is its purpose? Why are animals subjected to such a disturbing procedure?

Artificial holes are drilled into the bellies of some cows.

Used in meat and dairy industry “cannulated cow” A piece of the cow’s belly is cut and a 15 cm plastic window is placed. Cows can only recover 4 to 6 months after this procedure.

The purpose of this process to mechanized animals in the livestock industry is to milk productivity related to.

It is also called “unnatural anus”.


Through this hole, access is provided to the stomach of the cows and their digestive fluids, digestive history, end product of digestion, and bacteria are examined so that the most suitable nutritional combination can be researched and milk quality can be increased. In short, cows whose purpose of life in the industry is to produce milk. so that they can give more milk throughout their lives. saying.


Scottish Rural University Academic Director Jamie Newbold told the BBC cows suffer during the process he accepted.

Animal rights advocates often state that this process is not correct.


Stating that this is animal abuse, animal rights advocates say that it is an illegal act and about causing great harm and pain to animals is making a complaint.

The founder of the association L214 in France said: “Many of the animals in the industry already suffer from lameness, infection, lung or heart problems. Instead of stopping this cycle, always further We are going. “It’s time to question this unfair system.”

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