Why Do Some Countries Refuse to Use Summer and Winter Time?

Some countries implement summer and winter time, which changes our clocks every year; It is not used for various reasons such as climate, biological clock, agriculture and modern energy consumption.

The practice of summer and winter time actually dates back 300 years. save energy consumption aims, but some countries refuse to use it.

What are the reasons for these countries and Which countries do not use daylight saving time? let’s take a look.

They think the biological clock will be disrupted.

Some countries claim that when the clocks change, the biological clock and therefore sleep quality will deteriorate. Even if it’s depression or seasonal affective disorders They think it will go as far.

Climate and geographical location also have an impact.

summer-winter time

Some countries Due to their climate and geographical location Summer-winter time does not have much effect. For example, countries at high latitudes have long daylight hours in summer and short days in winter. So there is no point in changing the time.

We cannot underestimate rural life and agriculture.

In places where there is a large agricultural sector, summer-winter time may not be beneficial because natural light cycles addicts. Difficulties may arise for agricultural workers or animals when the clocks are changed.

There are also people who claim that it does not have much effect on energy saving.

Today, the devices that play the biggest role in energy consumption are air conditioners or electronic devices. Enlightenment is with them at a very small level staying. That’s why it doesn’t matter much among modern energy consumption habits.

Some countries have decided to switch to summer and winter time as this effect is not significant enough. it doesn’t need it.

So, which countries do not use daylight saving time?

  • Russia
  • Japan
  • Chinese
  • Singapore
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iceland
  • Argentina
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Malaysia

We could extend the list, but these are the most well-known countries.

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