Why Do Snipers Wear Their Watches Reversely?

There are multiple reasons why soldiers or snipers on special missions wear their watches backwards.

Snipers or special operations forces, wear wristwatches facing the inside of their wrists wearing it.

This tactic helps them in the risky situation they are in. great advantages It actually provides. Let’s see together what advantages there are.

Non-reflection of light is the first factor.

Especially in missions where confidentiality is critical to mission success; snipers’ glass or metal surface attracting enemy attention by reflecting sunlight It’s the last thing you want. That’s why they wear their watches backwards to minimize the risk of reflection and to avoid attracting attention and revealing their location.

Additionally, reflective surfaces can be hazardous in certain military environments, such as the desert or snow-covered terrain. Wearing the watch on the wrist minimizing glare prevents distraction. There are other reasons, of course.

They look at the time more easily.

John Wick

It is much easier to look at an upside down clock when they have their gun resting on their shoulder or are in a horizontal position. Without taking your eyes off the surroundings for a long time or they can quickly check the time without moving their arms.

In addition, when moving their wrists, the surface of the watch as it may hit something and make noise. They try to prevent noise by attaching them to the interior. Did you know the reasons behind why they wear this watch upside down? Write in the comments!

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