Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch? – Webtekno

With the arrival of summer, mosquitoes, our common nightmare, began to appear. We don’t even need to tell you how annoying their bites are. So why does the place where they bite itch like crazy?

a normal one insect bite While maybe you don’t itch that much, the itching of a mosquito bite lasts for days or even weeks.

Actually, the reason for this itching is very simple: The body’s defense mechanism!

Why do flies swarming around to suck our blood cause so much itching?

Sometimes We don’t even realize that the mosquito bites usWe know we have been bitten when we scratch. Actually, the reason for this is very simple. Itching is an allergic reaction of our body to mosquito saliva.

Yes, you heard right: Spit! While mosquitoes suck blood, they use a kind of thin proboscis. While sucking blood through this tube, they inject saliva into our skin. This saliva helps them absorb blood more easily.

This saliva prevents blood from clotting and ensures that we do not feel that we have been bitten.

This normally harmless saliva, when combined with our body, having an allergic reaction It itches like crazy. As a result, it shows symptoms such as redness, swelling and blistering.

The body protects itself against foreign proteins by secreting histamine. You are as much yourself as possible. Try to protect yourself from mosquitoesOtherwise, undesirable consequences may occur!

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