Why Do Electronic Devices Lose Performance When They Get Warm?

Especially in these hot weather conditions, your phone may have shut down at least once with a temperature warning, or it may have slowed down because it was getting hot. So why might electronic devices that get hot lose performance?

temperature, no electronic device It is not seen as a good thing for you.

Although it seems complicated, it is actually There is a simple answer!

Electronic devices are sensitive to temperature increases.

Well our smartphones, our computers, much smarter than we think. Devices that are aware of this temperature and atmospheric change realize this through the materials used in their internal structure.

Of course We cannot say the same for every device. But mostly the logic of the system works like this.

Know that the sensitivity of semiconductor components to temperature is a fundamental issue.

warming up computer

Transistors Semiconductors such as produce more thermal noise as temperature increases. This can affect the clarity and accuracy of electrical signals. And here is the inevitable end! The performance of the device is negatively affected.

If thermal routing It increases the internal resistance of electronic components. Increased internal resistance reduces the efficiency of components and causes more energy consumption. This situation naturally leads to more heat production. Here too, a vicious circle occurs and the performance of the device gradually declines.

Constant heating and cooling cycles confuse the ingredients.

“How?” Before we say it, let’s explain it right away. The materials in the components of the device, which is in a heating and cooling cycle, expand and contract. This thermal stress causes solder joints to weaken and break. This is what we never want causes poor performance.

In fact, we could talk about these performance losses in periods when technology was less developed. Because electronic devices currently on the market are produced with throttle mechanisms that prevent overheating. So the device, It’s a self-defense mechanism when it gets too hot. It creates a cooling effect for a while.

These mechanisms automatically reduce the performance of the device and keep the temperature under control.


For example, iPhone users, phone stuck at 80% while charging quite complaining. This situation is actually entirely related to this protection mechanism. You can click on our content below to get detailed information on the subject.


Why Do Phones Sometimes Get Stuck at 80% While Charging? We also explained how you can turn off this feature!

And finally, the conductivity of devices that are exposed to heat for a long time decreases and their performance decreases. Unfortunately, the technology that can completely prevent this has not yet been developed. To extend the life of your device, You can comply with the thermal management system.

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