Why Can’t Robots Check the reCAPTCHA Box?

You must have seen the reCAPTCHA boxes that appear while surfing the internet. So why can’t robots click on these boxes?

almost on the internet reCAPTCHA, which we encounter on every site, Actually, it’s pretty simple for us, isn’t it? However, we cannot say the same for robots.

Okay but why? Actually, the answer to this question is quite interesting and complex.

This service provided by Google is used to protect websites from unwanted traffic.

reCAPTCHA replaced the old CAPTCHA system. CAPTCHA system, Asking you to decipher various letters and numbers It involved tough tests.

The system, over time can be solved by robots and Google introduced reCAPTCHA, a more advanced system.

reCAPTCHA tiles to understand whether a human or a robot clicked speed and efficiency of clicking evaluates.


People, they move the mouse slowly and randomly. That’s why tests make their decisions by analyzing the speed and accuracy of the click. Robots, on the other hand, click quickly and effectively, which gives them away.

Tiles sometimes present users with visual puzzles. Puzzles, all Pictures containing motorcycles or street lamps It may ask you to choose. The tests are used because robots cannot perceive images as well as humans.

Some websites have started using invisible CAPTCHA systems.


Systems, users such as browser history, cookies, mouse movements It analyzes information to determine whether users are humans or robots.

Google’s reCAPTCHA Enterprise system gives users points based on their information, and this score is whether it is human or bot determines.

In short, robots have always faster than humans and because they are efficient, they cannot pass these tests.

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