Why Are There Religious Books on Flagpoles of Warships?

There is a Quran on the flagpole of warships belonging to our country. Here is the story of the emergence of this feature, which is a very old tradition…

From TCG Anadolu to TCG Yavuz, from TCG Bayraktar to TCG Fatih, in the Turkish Naval Forces Nearly 200 warships are available. Although each of these warships has different missions and functions, there are common features in all of them.

Today, all on Turkish warships why on top of the flagpole There is the QuranWe will share with you where and how this tradition came from.

The source of the tradition goes back to Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha.

Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha

The tradition, which continues today, is known as Kaptan-ı Derya. Known as the first captain pasha in the Ottoman Empire; Also known as Hızır Pasha By Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha It was started in the 16th century. According to some sources, this tradition is based on Piri Reis. Although he mentions that it may have started with

Hayreddin Pasha was an extremely conservative and faithful person. Due to his devotion to his faith and his outstanding services, his name, Hızır Reis, was given by Yavuz Sultan Selim. “benevolent religion” It was changed to “Hayreddin” meaning “Hayreddin”.

The reason behind the tradition

Battle ship

A clear reason for placing the Qur’an on the flagpole of warships has not been disclosed so far, but there are various theories on this subject. One of the prominent views among these theories is to keep the soldiers on the ship alive in terms of faithTruck. Soldiers who fell into despair during long campaigns, especially in a negative development, were kept alive “thanks to their faith, together with the Qur’an on the ship’s starboard”; It is thought that this method was used to remind the soldiers “why they are fighting” and whom to take shelter in difficult times.

Head of Turkish Maritime and Global Strategies Center Müstafi Rear Admiral Assoc. Dr. Cihat Yayci On the other hand, on the subject, “The Quran is placed first on warships, when a danger is overcome, the Quran is checked first and that the Quran protects the ship believable,” he said.

Some sources say that the Quran on the flagpole “this is our guide” it is used to mean.

Although it is a deep-rooted tradition for us, it is not unique to us.

Battle ship

Although it is a tradition that we have been maintaining since the 16th century, putting the Quran on the flagpole is not unique to us. many states, pertaining to the belief one holds or accepts scriptures or objects placed in the highest or most private places on warships.

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