Why Are Some People More Jealous, According to Science?

Romantic relationships are one of the deepest and most complex areas of our lives. So why are some people more jealous than others in their relationships? We bring you the answer given by science to this question.

Released in 2021 “Why are some people more jealous than others? “Genetic and environmental factors” Article titled (Why are some people more jealous than others? Genetic and environmental factors) striking results regarding clamping revealed.

This article, which aims to reveal the reasons for the differences in individuals’ romantic jealousy levels, specifically examines the reasons for these differences. genetic and environmental factors It aims to determine to what extent it is affected by

Before jumping into the findings, let’s examine the methodology the research followed.

The research was conducted on twins and siblings in Finland and included a total of 18-58 years of age. 7726 participants gave place.

These participants 5660 are twins, 2062 are siblings and the status of 4 participants is unknown.

Within the scope of the research, rromantic jealousy, partner’s attractiveness level, partner’s reliability, sociosexual orientation, infidelity Focused on variables such as.

In the research, genetic, shared (family environment, parents’ relationship expectations) and non-shared environmental influences on jealousy (romantic relationship experiences, how the individual sees himself compared to his partner, partner’s reliability, sociosexual orientation, with the aim of detecting deception experiences) various statistical analyzes has been carried out.

So what do the findings say? Some jealousy is hereditary!

Jealousy levels 29% caused by genetic factorsthe rest is explained by non-shared environmental impacts.

Family environment (shared environmental influences) on jealousy It has no significant effect.

If we look at it from a gender perspective women, It is stated that they have a higher level of jealousy than men.

But the genetic and environmental effects of jealousy shows no difference in terms of gender. In other words, jealousy in both men and women is shaped by similar genetic and environmental factors.

Individuals who have been cheated on in their past or current relationships have a higher level of jealousy.

When individuals see themselves as lower than their partners and trust their partners less more jealousy It looks like they’re going through it.

In addition , low desires and sociosexual orientation It is also stated that individuals have higher levels of jealousy.

In summary, this research examines individual differences in romantic jealousy levels. by genetic and environmental factors It reveals important results regarding how it is shaped.

As with every scientific research, this study reveals that the feeling of jealousy is a combination of genetic predispositions and individual life experiences. There may be some restrictions Let us end our content by reminding that it can be attributed to the main mass within the scope of its own sample.

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