Although it is not well known, many disabled people are forcibly sterilized due to pressure from their families and the state. So why use such a method, what do disabled people whose opinions are not taken into account think about this issue?
Disabled people are considered by some to be a burden on societies and must be eliminated seen as worthless assets. Because of this common and objectionable thought, the disabled bear the main burden.
With them so that you can empathize We want to raise awareness by voicing this problem. You will find the thoughts of a visually impaired individual on the subject in our content.
Before moving on to our main topic, it is necessary to briefly talk about the “eugenic movement” that you have probably read or heard before.
As eugenic, unhealthy or rotten “stamped” is the name given to the killing of people. At the same time, this concept opposes the reproduction of these individuals.
Meet the Darkest Side of Science: The ‘eugenics movement’ that forced people to sterilize and sentence them to death
Eugenics, the human race with an obsession for perfection One of the cruelest methods ever. This concept, which dates back to ancient times, was first put forward by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton in 1883. Darwin opposed Galton’s ideas as perverted and argued that human life was more important.
Inhuman this method was applied in many countries such as Nazi Germany, USA, Italy, England and France. In Germany alone, nearly 200 Hereditary Health Courts were established for sterilization of people who were stigmatized as unhealthy and useless, and in line with this law, 400,000 people were sterilized without their consent.
18 thousand people were killed for the same reason, this time in the second stage. 70 thousand people were killed. If we include what other countries are doing, the number becomes even more dire.
Forced sterilization of persons with disabilities continues to be practiced in many countries today.
Families, regardless of whether they are mentally or visually impaired, without consent can neutered. In order to suppress the sexual desire of these individuals, drugs that reduce sexual desire are given to these individuals. secretly they are giving. The state, on the other hand, does not implement any regulation that protects these individuals.
The visually impaired individual, Yakup Gençtürk, with whom we consulted on the subject, also complains about this situation.
Yakup states that when there is a request for sterilization at the request of the family, the disabled individual should also be informed about the process and results. Performing this operation without the consent of the disabled person tyranny means it is.
Disabled individual deprivation of reproductive rights emphasizes that the risk of sexual abuse should be reduced instead. He also states that the right to sexual life of persons with disabilities should be protected by law.
Sterilization exacerbates the abuse of people with disabilities.
It is a visual representation
close to Jacob a 20-year-old visually impaired girl; She was forcibly married to a 50-year-old man by her father, saying “this girl is useless”, just because she has this disability. Disabled people continue to be abused not only in sterilization but also in all aspects.
Some countries are ending this practice. Spain is one of the last examples of this.
By the end of 2020, a new practice of forced sterilization of mentally disabled people in the country will be introduced. by legal regulation ended together. More than 1,000 people in the country have been forcibly sterilized in the last 10 years.
We hope that one day the disabled people will be seen as worthless creatures that are a burden to societies and need to be eliminated.
Sources: Yakup Gencturk | Equal, Accessible, Barrier-Free Life | As You Live (Turkey’s First Disabled News and Information Portal)
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