Which Organs Can We Live Without?

While every organ in our body has a purpose, we don’t need some of them to survive. So why do they exist then?

In our evolutionary process, some become unnecessary, while others become redundant and take on the task instead. our other organs taking over.

Our body has dozens of moving parts. Which organs? Can we continue to live without it? Of course, this does not mean living a perfect life. Even though the comfort of life decreases and special diets are required, it is still possible to live.


Although it controls blood cells and is part of the immune system spleen We can survive without it. Some of our organs, such as the liver and lymph, partially undertake the functions of the spleen. Of course, people without a spleen need to be careful as they are more susceptible to infection.


The appendix has long been considered an organ of unknown function. Especially sometimes time bomb Since there is a risk of explosion, it can put us in even more danger. Many people do not have an appendix, and when it is removed, our body does not even notice this loss. Why there is that issue is still open to debate.


Since we have two kidneys, we can continue our lives without one of them. Function of filtering the blood and removing toxins and excess fluids from the body, remaining kidney can continue. In this case, the person needs to pay more attention to his health and the comfort of life may decrease significantly.


Sometimes all or part of the stomach can be removed. gastrectomy In this surgery, the esophagus is directly connected to the small intestine. Since it shortens the length of the overall digestive tract, a person needs to make serious changes in their diet, but many people can survive without a stomach.



When one of the two lungs, which has an important role in the 24/7 functioning of our body, is removed, the other is equipped to take over the entire task. many people single lung can live with. People in this situation need to pay extra attention to the life they live. It means living with more care than people with two lungs.

Gall bladder

Many people have their gallbladder removed due to reasons such as stones, blockage, and sand. Although the liver has functions such as storing the bile it produces and aiding digestion, in its absence the liver directly secretes bile into the small intestine and makes up for this deficiency. Although some people need to diet, it does not greatly affect their overall quality of life.



Removal of part or all of the colon, that is, colectomy It is a very common surgery. In case of conditions such as cancer or intestinal obstruction, the entire colon is removed and a bag is tied outside the body, leaving an opening in the small intestine. Without a colon, our poop comes out in this bag. Although it is not an ordinary surgery and it may cause some difficulties for the person, it is possible to survive without a colon.


It may sound like a joke, but we can live without a bladder. In this, just like in colon surgery, there is a procedure outside the abdomen. bag gets stuck and urine excretion is done here. So, if you have a health problem such as cancer, you can continue your life where you left off by removing the bladder.



How many people don’t have tonsils? The number is quite high. Although tonsils do their job by preventing us from getting sick, we can live without them. Because our body protects against germs It’s not just them.

testicles and ovaries


If we do not take fertility into account, we can live without testicles and ovaries. In cases of serious diseases such as cancer, it can be removed from the testicles and ovaries. Of course, the body can react to this for a while, but It doesn’t put our lives at risk.

Our body has an incredible adaptability to survive without certain organs. With the support provided by modern medicineorgan loss is no longer life-threatening and becomes a manageable situation.

Finally, we would like to point out that no matter which organ is removed, there are significant changes in a person’s life. While some people continue their lives with special diet programs, others need to protect themselves more against infections.

What we want to point out is that although life is not perfect, life can continue without these organs.

For more about our organs:


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