WhatsApp users beware! This message may get you banned

Former US President Donald Trump has been on the agenda of the USA lately. The indictment against the former president is expected this week and Trump’s arrest. On social media before the final decision was announced artificial intelligence photos created with Trump photos WhatsApp If you send it to someone over the internet, the results are not very good.

Images made with artificial intelligence ban your WhatsApp account

Former US President Donald Trump, during the 2016 election campaign, illegally accused Stormy Daniels, with whom he had an affair, from campaign sources. “shut up” accused of giving It is expected that the indictment regarding this incident, which is on the agenda of the USA, will be concluded this week.

If the indictment is approved, the former will arrive at the New York courthouse next week. In addition, Trump tweeted from his social media account last week. “I will be arrested on Tuesday.” made the statement. However, there is no decision regarding the incident in question.

WhatsApp rivals Zoom!

WhatsApp rivals Zoom!

In its latest statement, WhatsApp stated that it will rival Zoom on the web. Here are the new update details…

While Trump’s court process continued, social media was shaken with some images. In these images created with artificial intelligence, we see that Trump resisted arrest and was arrested. With Trump supporters believing the images to be real, fierce debates began on social media. In addition, Trump supporters reacted to these fake images.

In addition to all this, the main event footage that you sent to someone on WhatsApp time ban you are eating. As a result of this very surprising situation, many people stated that they tried to send the images to someone and they were faced with the same situation.

So, what do you think about the Trump WhatsApp ban? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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