What’s the Difference Between the FBI and the CIA? They Have Completely Different Duties!

Although the CIA and the FBI are two important institutions responsible for the security of the USA, their duties are actually very different. We will explain one by one what the differences are.

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Responsible for intelligence and security of the United States two giant institutions.

As far as we see in the movies, they are similar to each other, Even though they seem to be the same They are actually quite different. Let’s look at what exactly these differences are.

What is the FBI and what does it do?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) operates in the United States to both gather intelligence and combat federal criminals. Priority; Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks, foreign intelligence operations, espionage, cyber attacks, high-tech crime To protect and combat public corruption at all levels.

FBI, which is affiliated with the Department of Justice; ensuring internal security, conducting criminal investigations, collecting evidence and arresting criminals has the authority. Basically, the national police department.

So what is the CIA and what are its duties?

Unlike the FBI, the CIA undertakes the task of collecting and analyzing US foreign intelligence and reports directly to the US President. around the world collects, processes and analyzes national security information. In short, it is a civilian foreign intelligence service.

Unlike the FBI, the CIA does not have the authority to arrest, and its operations are mostly secret, but it shares the information it collects with other intelligence agencies and the government. We can also say that the CIA is not an official institution affiliated with the state, but a A non-governmental organization working with the state.

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