What would we encounter if flying taxis were in Turkey?

Flying cars are sure to come sooner or later. But if he had come today, have you ever thought about what sights we would encounter? In today’s article, we have compiled possible scenarios for you by adding some fun to the work.

As technology develops, new technology enters our lives every day. It is one of the things we have heard the most for a while and perhaps the most curious thing. flying cars.

Every year about flying taxis “It’s coming this year!” We have left another year behind as news continues to come. So really flying taxis floating in the air today What would we see if they were?

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The first flying taxis were more expensive than the others, so only tourists could use them.

flying taxi


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The saying “My only competitor is THY” would be true…

flying taxi

We couldn’t find a taxi in Istanbul again…

flying taxi

We could meet the taxi drivers who made the road longer by saying “My sister, there is turbulence on that road”.

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We could hear phrases like “Follow the helicopter ahead” in the movies.

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We used to hear the phrase “I am the flying taxi across the street” at least once.

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The taxi driver who put jet fuel in his flying car could die of lack of oxygen while emulating Elon Musk and trying to go into space.

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What Happens If You Put Jet Fuel in Cars?

We could see the news of taxi drivers colliding with migratory birds.

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Are we ready for flying taxis?

flying taxi

It would not be wrong to say that we are just getting used to the use of electric scooters yet. As we mentioned in our content in the related content section below; Even with something as simple as an electric scooter, we have many problems. When flying cars became common with bigger problems We may meet.

For example, let’s consider an Istanbul traffic. Can you imagine this traffic in the air? the same traffic in the sky without lanes and signs It can cause much bigger problems. Of course, we think that after flying cars come into our lives, a solution to such situations will be found. So if we leave the fun of the job aside; One day in the future, flying taxis will definitely come into our lives and maybe we will encounter scenarios that are not very cute when this happens. We laughed and had fun throughout our article. But we hope that the things we laugh at today, tomorrow as a fact it doesn’t show up.


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If you want similar content to come, don’t forget to mention it in the comments section. Our aim was to entertain while thinking; For this reason, let’s say sorry if we made a mistake. So, are there any other scenarios that come to mind?

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