What is the Connection Between Psychology and Facial Beauty?

Today, where the perception of beauty changes day by day, some research also addresses the connection between psychological well-being and facial beauty. What are the effects of these two elements on each other? Are beautiful people really happier?

The research, in which 4416 women and 4018 men participated, was conducted in high school in 1957. photos from graduation years and happiness in the 2000s is discussed.

Confidence, positive self-esteem The results emerging from research focusing on feelings of agency and agency are not surprising, but they do shed light on how some people are happier.

Facial beauty also has a significant impact on psychological well-being.

Having a face that is considered beautiful increases one’s self-confidence. in social interactions makes it more comfortable. In this way, they feel better and improve their overall quality of life.

Individuals with beautiful facial features are more positive feedbacks and reflects this situation on their psychology in a positive way.

They benefit from the beauty premium.

People who are beautiful have an advantage in business life as well as in social life. beauty premium Thanks to this, they tend to earn more money by getting promoted. Another study shows that increased confidence contributes 20 percent to the beauty premium.

Psychological well-being also has direct effects on skin health.

Other research on beauty and psychology has shown that negative emotions such as stress and anxiety skin acne, redness It also shows that it can cause other skin problems. While such skin problems negatively affect a person’s facial beauty, they also worsen their psychological health.

Lack of physical attractiveness can lead to psychological problems in some people.


Because these people are less accepted by society low self esteem and may experience social anxiety. However, research results also show that these negative effects can be reduced as psychological support and social awareness increase.

Considering that a good psychology will not only increase the beauty of the face but also increase self-confidence, we should not only take care of our physical appearance. to our psychological health We also need to pay attention.

Nice one smile It is the best gift we can give both to ourselves and to those around us.

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